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Ruth Receives Kindness

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories

Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32




-Have you ever been to a place where you didn’t know anyone?
-How does it feel to be a stranger?

-There was a woman in the Bible named Ruth.
-She was a stranger in a land far away from home.
-Her husband died and she went with her husband’s mother to a land she had never been to.
-He didn’t know anyone in the land, and she even looked different from the other people living in the land.
-How do you think she felt?
-She had no job, food, or place to live.
-There was a very rich man in the country called Boaz.
-Boaz heard about Ruth and her situation. He invited her to stay on his farm
-Boaz offered Ruth water and food.
-Who thinks Boaz did the right thing?

Activity: Get in groups of 2 –3 people. Hand out a paper and pencil to each group. Write the names of the people in your group on the top of your paper. On “go” your group is going to think of as many kind things you could do for another person as possible. Let’s see which group can think of the kindest things.