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Jesus Trusted His Father

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5


pitcher of water
large bowl
index card
paper to make a manna-copter



-Who lives with their dad?
-Tell me some good things about your dad.
-Write them on the white board.
-Do you know who Jesus Father was?
-Did you know that God is our Father when we become Christians?
-The Bible says we get a new family (our old one doesnt change)
-Other Christians are like our Brothers and Sisters
-God is our Heavenly Father.

-Jesus trusted His heavenly Father and we must too.

Trust the Lord
-Guess how many times the word trust is in the Old Testament. (152 times)
-What do you think it means?
-Have faith in
-To rely on

-To trust God means to always depend on God to take care of us.
-When we trust God we know that he is always there for us.
-God will catch us when we stumble.
-He makes us happy when we are sad.

-Lets show you how it works:
-Fill a glass with water.
-Place the index card on top of the glass.
-Hold the card and turn the glass upside down slowly. (Over a large bowl)
-Now I am using my hand to hold the water. What would happen if I let go?
-Let go. (The card should hold the water)
-The card is holding the water in. What is holding the card? (The air)
-The air is holding the card. Even though we cannot see the air, it is always there.
-God is the same way. Can you see God?
-He is always there for us -to take care of us, to protect us etc. . . .
-We need to trust God just as Jesus trusted God.

The Trust Game
-Do you trust God with your life?
-Pick a volunteer (Victoria)
-Do you trust me Victoria?
-Stand on this chair. Turn around.
-Can you see me?
-Do you still trust me?
-Fall backwards and I will catch you.
-Was it a little scary to fall without being able to see me? When did it stop feeling scary?
-This is how it is with God.
-Sometimes it may seem a little scary to trust in God mostly because we cant see Him.
-God is always ready for us to trust Him. He is always there for us.

-Once we decide to trust in God life can be fun and an exciting adventure.
-Go promises us He will never leave us. He will always help us.
-God can take the biggest problem we have and help us solve that problem.
-Tell about money for Russia

-Moses loved and trusted in God.
-Moses helped Gods People-the Israelites escape from the slavery in Egypt.
-Then Moses helped the Israelites cross the Red Sea. -Who knows that story?
-Moses and the Israelites were in the desert on their way to Gods Promised Land when they started to get very hungry and thirsty.
-The Israelites got angry they felt like God had forgotten about them. They went to
-Moses and complained.
-Moses talked to God. That’s all prayer is -talking to God.
-God answered their prayers.
-Each day God sent Manna (bread) and quail (bird meat) down from heaven to feed the Israelites.
-Today I have a manna-copter in honor of the bread God sent down from heaven.
-(Put a sheet of paper on the floor) This paper stands for the Israelite camp.
-Everyday God sent manna and quail to them (drop the manna-copter so it will land on the paper)
-God never missed a day. He provide for His people.
-God still provides for us because we are His children.
-God is our Heavenly Father. He will take care of us.
-15 We need to trust in Him everyday.
-Manna copter: Cut a strip 2 x 8 ?
-Fold the bottom up 10 times every 1/4 inch. Tape to hold it
-Cut the opposite end in half about 3 inches.
-Fold flaps in opposite directions at 90-degree angle