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True Love

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Walk, Talk, And Live Like Jesus

Verse: God is love, and He who abides in love abides in God, and God in him. 1 John 4:16


rubber bands
stuffed dog
stuffed kitten




-What is true love? Write down some words on the dry erase board.

-The way this game is going to work is: I am going to explain a situation to one side (the girls or the boys). If you think that situation is True Love then stand up. If you don’t then give me the thumbs down. We will see who gets the most right -the girls or the boys

1. I love my sister so much when she is nice to me.
2. My best friend is cool. I love to be with him all the time -no matter what he is feeling or going through.
3. I think my mom is cool and I love her when she buys me something I have really wanted.
4. Even though I get annoyed with my little brother sometimes, I really love him all the time.
5. When I get bigger and fall in love with someone I will know they really love me when we decide to live in the same house before we are married.
6. My next-door neighbor has lots of cool toys. I love them because they share their toys with me.
7. I try to respect my mom because she really loves me no matter what I have done.
8. I love my grandma because he always slips me $5.00.
9.I don’t have to be good in sports, my dad loves me just the way I am.
10. Jesus loves me. He died on the cross for me so all my sins could be forgiven.

A. Love Story
Once upon a time, there was an old dog who really knew what it was to love. He was patient and kind and very happy when something good happened to someone else, even if it didn’t happen to him. The dog was never rude and didn’t brag when he had done something good. He was a very loving dog.

One day a kitten wandered into the life of this dog. He found her cowering behind a garbage can. She was all dirty and half-starved. The kitten, though she needed help, was frightened of the dog. And she hissed and spit when the doge came near. The dog was very patient and kind. Even though the kitten scratched his nose and bit his ears, the dog gently carried the kitten over to his own bowl of food, and let the kitten eat every bit of his food. The kitten had a full tummy now and was stronger. When the dog tried to wash to kitten’s dirty fur by liking the kitten, the kitten snapped at the dog and scratched him even harder. The old dogs love was patient and kind. It was not irritable. The old dogs love did not insist on its own way. So the dog kept on caring for the kitten.

Other dogs came around and looked at the raggedy kitten scratching the old dog every time he tried to help, and they told him, Why do you bother with that dirty little kitten? Look at all the scratches it has given you. You should give up on it. But the old dogs love never gave up, never lost faith and lasted through every difficulty. So the dog kept caring for the kitten

By the end of one week, the dog had a very sore nose and chewed up ears, but the kitten looked much better. Its fur was clean and groomed and soft. Its little belly was full. Its whiskers were straight, and its eyes were bright.

The next time the other dogs came around, there sat the loving old dog; his scratches were healed, and he was happily curled around a little purring ball of kitten. The old dog had not only saved the kittens life, he had also taught it how to love.

1. What made the kitten change?
2. Who did the old dog teach the kitten about love?
3. Who did the old dog remind you of?

God’s love is like a rubber band.

A. Have you ever snapped a rubber band? It hurts doesn’t it?
B. Rubber bands are kind of neat (show before it is stretched, then stretch them)
C. You would almost think a rubber band would stretch forever. But it wont it eventually stops, or it breaks.

D. Gods love kind of reminds me of a rubber band. It stretches. Except Gods love stretches forever.
E. It doesn’t matter how many mistakes we make, how often we disappoint God, He still loves us.
F. God is a perfect parent. He doesn’t want us to be unhappy.
G. His love keeps going and going. It will never break no matter how hard it is pulled.
H. The Bible says that God love lasts forever.

Closing: (Have everybody stand up and shake their hands and feet)
A. Lets remember the what love is from the story:
Not irritable
Does not insist on its own ways
Is not proud
Love is not rude
Love is not selfish
Love never gives up

B. God loves us with this kind of love.
C. Jesus loved us with this kind of love (died on the cross)
D. If we are going to Walk, talk and live like Jesus we need to love others with this kind of love.
E. God gave us our hands, our feet and special talents so we could show his love to the world.