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Jesus Feed The 5,000.

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories

Verse: Matthew 14:13-21


change bag
Fish crackers
Glass for leftovers




A big huge crowd of people had been following Jesus all day long. They wanted to hear Him speak. They had sick people who wanted to be healed.

Jesus was so touched by how hungry for God the people were that he ministered to them for a long time. Many people were healed and set free that day by Jesus.

Soon the evening had come. Everyone was hungry, but there was no place to eat. It was so late to send everyone home without something to eat. The disciples wanted to send everyone away, but not Jesus. He told the disciples to feed everyone.

The disciples looked to see what they had. They didn’t have very much at all.

(Start with the zipper on the bottom of the change bag open. As you are talking about what they had, put your arm through the bag to show there is nothing in the bag)

The disciples found five loaves of bread and two fish.

(Drop two goldfish crackers in the bag)

Jesus had the crowd of people sit on the ground.

Jesus took the food and blessed it.

Then he commanded the disciples to start passing in out.

(Pass the bag around-you hold onto it and have the children reach in a grab a fish cracker. There should be lots of crackers in the bag. Once everyone has taken a cracker, dump the extras in a cup at the front of the room.)

Everyone ate that day. They were all full and there were lots of leftovers. The Bible says the disciples collected 12 baskets of leftovers.

Conclusion: When we are obedient to God, He can do the impossible for us.