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I Have Sinned -Photograph

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23


Pre-planned volunteer



-Did you know that the Bible teaches us that we all sin.
-We don’t like to think about it. Most people like to ignore this, but it is true every human being has sinned.

(The volunteer should come out with a picture of himself or a picture that is nice – Show everyone the picture. Then he should begin to destroy it. At first it should be fun – Draw a mustache. By the end the picture should be totally ripped and destroyed)

-We can learn a very important lesson from our volunteers silliness today
-Does anybody have any idea what that is?
-We can learn that sin destroys us.
-Our volunteer thought some of the things he was doing seemed fun at the time, but in the end he destroyed something that was important to him.
-We might be doing things in our life that seem like fun. They might seem harmless, but they are destroying us because they are sin.
-The Bible teaches us that “The wages of sin is death” or the price of sin is death.
-So those even those fun little sins you think are innocent will cost you.