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How Many Times Should We forgive?

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories

Verse: Matthew 18:21-22


2 volunteers


-Get a couple groups of kids making towers out of blocks
-Have someone knock over/or bump the table so his or her blocks fall down.
-Have them rebuild the structure.
-Have it knocked down again.
-Repeat a few times


Have the kids that were building stand at the front.
How did you feel when your building got knocked down?
Did you feel like forgiving? Why or why not?

-There was someone in the bible that had a hard time with forgiving especially with how many times we should forgive someone.
-It seems reasonable to forgive someone one time. We all know that nobody is perfect.
-One day one of the disciples named Peter came to Jesus and had a tough question for Peter.
-He asked Jesus, “How many times do I have to forgive people who do wrong things against me?”
-I think Peter was hoping to hear that he only had to forgive someone once or twice.
-This was Jesus response: I don’t want you to forgive someone just seven times.
-Who thinks 7 times is a lot of times to forgive someone?
-Jesus said you are to forgive someone 7 x 70 times
-That means we need to forgive someone 490 times.
-Know I don’t know about you, but I can’t remember anyone doing wrong things to me more than 490 times.
-How do you think Peter felt about Jesus answer?
-I think he probably knew it was the right thing to do but it was a tough answer to hear.

-Who do you have trouble forgiving? Why?

God will help us to forgive people that are hard for us to forgive. We can ask God for his help in every situation.