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Jesus Turns Water Into Wine

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories

Verse: For we walk by faith, not by sight. 2 Corinthians 5:7


clay pot
red food coloring
duct tape
empty small bottle
pitcher of water


Tape the small bottle with red food coloring in it to the bottom of the clay pot in the upright position.


1. Jesus went to a wedding where the servants ran out of wine.
A. Jewish wedding lasted seven days in the time of Jesus. Wine was the most popular drink at the wedding. In Jesus day people drank wine like we drink juice or milk with our meal. Wine was not something people drank to get drunk, or abuse, like many people do today. In Jesus day, it was such an important part of the wedding that if there were no wine, the feast would be ruined.
B. In this life there will always be times when we run out of the things we need. (Refer to the empty clay pot) If we always had everything we needed immediately, we never have to trust in God. However, just because we run out of something doesn’t mean that nothing can be done.

2. Jesus’ mother, Mary, told the servants that Jesus could help them.
A. Before this time Jesus had never preformed any miracles. Mary didn’t know Jesus could do miracles because she never saw Him do one.
B. Mary told the servants to obey Jesus commands. Faith in god is simply obeying and believing what God says. For example; God says we should forgive those who hurt us; God says we should not be afraid; God says that if we give we will receive back. God will not ask you to do something that you cannot do.
C. Jesus asked the servants to fill up their clay pots with water.

3. The servants obeyed Jesus and received a miracle.
(Pour the pitcher of water into the clay pot).
A. The servants did not hesitate to obey Jesus orders.
B. Jesus told the servants to take the water to the governor of the feast. Now it would be embarrassing to give him a glass of water when he expected wine. The servants obeyed Jesus.
C. When the servants obeyed Jesus, the water was turned into wine. (Pour the red water back into the pitcher so the children can see) Faith is obeying God‘s word and then acting upon it. If we believe God has heard us pray, we ought to act like it happened by thanking Him.
D. The wine that Jesus made tasted even better than what they had before. Jesus blessings are always the best. Jesus supplies for all our needs when we walk in faith.

Closing: See if anyone has anything they want us to pray in faith for.