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The Story Of Story

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories





1.Moses died
a. God’s people still had not reached the land God promised they could live in. – They were almost there.
b. God’s people needed another leader badly.

2.God chose Joshua to be the next leader
a. Joshua had worked very closely as Moses assistant for many years.
b. Joshua had the characteristics of a wise person
i. Joshua love the people –was compassionate
ii. Joshua was loyal to God, Moses, and the people
iii. Joshua was obedient to God and to his leader Moses
iv. Joshua was determined to make it to the land God promised-He wasn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to make it
v. Joshua was reliable-He wasn’t going to wake up one morning and say, “I don’t feel like leading today.”

3.The Battle at the city of Jericho
a. This was one of the many battle’s Joshua lead.
b. God told Joshua that the city belonged to God’s people
c. God gave them very specific plans on how to win the city.
d. These plans seemed really strange.
e. What are most wars like?
f. God told all His people to march around the city walls once every day for six days.
g. Jericho had huge walls protecting the city from enemies
h. Every morning for six mornings all God’s people got up and went for an early morning walk around the city walls.
i. Then God said that on the seventh day all God’s people would march around the city seven times, the priest would blow their trumpets.
j. At the end of the seventh time around they were to make a long blast on a special horn, everyone was to shout.
k. They followed God’s instructions.
l. At the sound of the horn and the shouting the wall fell flat.
m. God’ people took over Jericho just like God said.

4. God’s promises to Joshua
1.No one would be able to stand against Joshua – God would always give him victory.
2.God would never leave or forsake him
3.Everything Joshua did would prosper and be successful
4.God would give him the strength He needed everyday.