Untitled Document


Jesus Gave Us A New Heart

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things



Doctor’s costume
Pre-planned volunteer
Dirty Heart
Clean Heart


-The teacher is acting like a doctor, pretending that is really their profession.
-Have a brave volunteer come up.
-Prepare them for heart surgery. (Lay them on a table, put a blanket over them)
-People who do not have Jesus in their heart have a heart problem.
-I am going to show you what I mean.
-Perform surgery and pull out the dirty heart. (Use a hammer, fake knife, etc . .. )
-When we do not have Jesus in our heart our heart is dirty with sin, bad habits, unwise choices.
-Sin causes us to be unhappy, angry, and jealous
-Hold up the stethoscope to the dirty heart and tell the audience what you here –
-Lies, hateful words, cursing, evil doings etc.
-When we decide to live for Jesus-He gives us a new heart.
-Hold up the new heart.
-“Today I am going to put a new heart in my patient because they have decided to live for Jesus.”
-Put the new heart back in the person.

Finish your surgery.
