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Rebekah Shows Kindness

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories

Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32




-This week we are going to talk about a girl in the Bible who had chores.
-Who has chores to do?
-What are some of your chores at home?
-Who does not like doing chores?
-The Bible tells us about a young girl named Rebekah.
-Has anybody ever heard of Rebekah?
-She had a very important chore for her family. It wasn’t an easy one either – like making her bed.
-When Rebekah was alive there was no running water in their house. They couldn’t just turn on a tap to get a drink, take a bath or wash something.
-Rebekah’s job was to get water for her family.
-She would take a big jar to the center of the village were there was a well. She would fill the jar and carry it all the way home.
-How many times a day do you think she had to do that so everyone in her house could bath, drink, cook, and wash things?

-One day Rebekah did something kind while she was doing her chore.
-One day Rebekah arrived at the spring and one of Abraham’s servants was resting there. He was very tired. He had just been on a big trip.
-Abraham’s servant asked Rebekah for a drink of water.
-Rebekah gave him a drink and offered to give a drink to all his camels and animals he had been traveling with as well.
-How much water do you think a camel can drink?
-Imagine how much water she had to pull up from the well to water all of Abraham’s camels and animals.
-Who thinks she was tired after that job?
-Why do you think Rebekah did these things?
-How do you think that made Abraham’s servant feel?
-What are some extra things you can do to help out at your home?

Conclusion: Chores are the thing we do because we need to contribute to our family. Acts of kindness are the things we do beyond our regular responsibilities.