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Sampson And Delilah

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories



a longhaired wig
a Styrofoam wig head
2 marbles
and 1 spoon
skin colored latex paint


paint the wig head with paint. When the paint dries create facial features. Use the marbles for eyes


1. Samson was raised up by God to deliver the children of Israel from the Philistines.
A. Samson had supernatural strength as long as he did not cut his hair. (Place the wig on the head of a helper who will act out Samson‘s exploits.)
B. Samson did things that no ordinary man could do.
1. He killed a lion with his hands.
2. He tore the gates from the walls of the city and carried them away.
3. He killed 1,000 Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey.
C. Samson kept the Philistines from oppressing the people of Israel.

2. Samson had great power because He obeyed God’s commandment.
A. His great strength came from the power of the Holy Spirit, not his muscles.
1. Samson probably looked like any ordinary Israelite man.
2. Samson took the vow of a Nazarite; therefore, he could never cut his hair, or eat or drink anything made from grapes.
B. There was nothing the Philistines could do to stop him.
1. God’s power in the believer is greater than anything the devil has to offer (1 John 4:4
2. Samson is a picture of the spiritual power in the New Testament church.

3.Samson broke the commandment of God and lost his power.
A. Samson fell in love with Delilah, a Philistine woman, against the commandment of the Lord.
1. The men of Israel were not to marry the beautiful women who worshiped other gods.
2. Delilah never turned to the God of Israel, therefore her heart was always wicked.
B. When the Philistine lords offered Delilah money to find the secret of Samson’s strength she agreed.

1. She loved money more that she loved Samson.
2. She coaxed him to tell her his secret.
C. Samson finally told Delilah the secret of his strength.
1. While he was asleep, she cut off his hair. (Jerk off the wig)
2. He awoke to find that he had no strength.
D. The Philistines bound Samson and put out his eyes (use the Styrofoam wig head to demonstrate what happened to Samson - show the consequences of breaking Gods law)
E. Our obedience to the law of God is our protection against evil.
1. Samson’s disobedience to a smaller commandment (the law against marrying foreign woman) led to the disobedience of the greater commandment.
2. If you dint learn to obey and honor your parents, you wont learn to obey and honor God.