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The Widow’s Mite

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Stories





-On day Jesus was at the temple in the place where people came to give their money.
-It was a big courtyard with 13 pillars and at each pillar stood a chest.
-People would come and drop their offerings into the chests.
-Jesus saw rich men give large amounts of money.
-Then he saw a widow who was very poor.
-Her husband had died and she had no one to take care of her. She couldn’t go to work, and she could not get money from the government.
-This woman gave two mites (which was equal to less than one penny). That was all she had.
-She was very kind and unselfish-she wanted to give all she had to God.
-Jesus was watching all the people give.
-Who do you think Jesus thought gave the most?
-It was not the rich people who gave their extra money to God. They did not really need that extra money anyway.
-Jesus said the poor widow gave the most because she gave everything she had. Therefore, she gave more than anybody else.
-In every area of our life Jesus wants us to give all we have.
-We can give our talents and abilities to God
-We can give our time to God
-We can give our money to God.

-When we give God what we have he multiplies it.
-Here is a microphone-it magnifies my voice.
-If I was teaching this class in my normal voice you may not here me very well
-This microphone takes my little voice and makes it really loud so that a whole football stadium could hear it.
-Have a volunteer demonstrate.
-God can work with us in a similar way.
-He takes what little bit we offer him and turns it into a lot.