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Choosing The Right Way

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Be very careful how you live-not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15


$1.00 bill



A. Introduction:
1.What do I have here? (Hold up a $1.00 bill)
2.Every dollar bill has a date on it when it was made. (Talk about what it looks like.)
3.Some bills look new and some old-they are all worth a dollar
4.What could I do with this dollar bill?
a. I could save it in my pocket (Hopefully my pocket has no holes in it)
b. I could sit and look at it everyday.
c. I could put it in the bank.
d. I could play with it.
e. I could rip it up.
f. I could spend it but then I would never see this dollar bill again.

1.What could I buy with it?
2.We should carefully plan how we use our money
i. What do I need verses what do I want?
ii. What do I have enough money for?

B. We need to make wise choices.
1.Just like I need to choose what to do with this dollar bill, I also need to choose what to do with my life.
2.Everyday we make a series of choices
i. What to wear?
ii. What to eat?
Iii .Do we do our homework?
iv. Do we act like Jesus?
v. Do we live for Jesus?
3.One of the best parts about making decisions everyday is that we don't have to make the same mistakes we made yesterday or last week or last year? (Who ever did something you got in big trouble for and you regret doing it?- next time you can make a decision not to do that)
4.Would it be a good choice if we decided to sit in the same place day after day?-at least we wouldn't do anything wrong or would we?
1.Would it be a good idea to just play all year long?
2.The Bible says we need to live wisely. What does this mean?
3.We need to make wise decision about our life.
4.What are some wise decisions we can make?

C. The Talking Donkey
1.There once was a king name Balak. He was the king of Moab
2.Balak got scared of the Isrealites.
3.So he sent word to his friend -Balaam.
4.He knew Balaam was a friend of God. He asked Balaam to come to Moab and pray a curse over the Israelites. This way they wouldn't take over Moab-his country and people.
5.Balaam prayed to God concerning the matter.
6.God said, "Do not go and do not put a curs on those people because they are my people and they are truly blessed."
7.In the morning Balaam sent word to his friend the king and said "Sorry I cannot do as you have asked."
8.Balak tried to convince Balaam to come by sending lots of people to talk him into going to Moab.
9.Balaam made a bad choice.
10.He decided to disobey God. I guess he figured his friend was more important.
11.The Bible says that God was angry.
12.Balaam got on his donkey and started to head towards Moab.
13.An angel with its sword drawn stood in the middle of the road (Balaam couldn't see the angel)
14.When the donkey saw the angel, he got scared and ran into the middle of the field.
15.Balaam go mad and beat his donkey.
16.They got back on the road. The road got narrow there was a wall on each side of the road.
17.An angel stood in the donkeys way again.
18.The donkey got scared again. It pressed close to the wall and crushed Balaam's foot.
19.Balaam beat his donkey.
20.They started on the road again. The road got even narrower.
21.The angel stood in the middle of the road again with its sword drawn.
22.When the donkey saw the angel it laid down in the middle of the road.
23.Balaam beat his donkey again.
24.God opened the mouth of the donkey and it said, "What have I done that you have been so mean to me, and beat me three time."
25.Balaam said, "I am so made I want to kill you."
26.The donkey said, "Am I not your own donkey which you have always ridden? Do I usually behave this way?"
27.Balaam said, "no"
28.Then when he looked up He saw the angel standing in the middle of the road with the sword.
29.The angel said, "Why are you beating your donkey? I have come hear to stop you. You have made a bad decision to go to Moab. Your donkey saw me and turned from me protecting you from my sword."
30.Balaam realized what he had done and he decided to obey God.

1. It is not a really hard to make wise decision.
2.God has given us the ability to make right decision-He gave us good sense.
3.Who has ever heard the term "Use some common sense?"
4.Common Sense is really like wisdom.
5.Let me show you what I mean.
6.Here is an egg, and here is a ball
7. Now one of these you are supposed to bounce and the other you are supposed to eat.
8. If I use wisdom I will do the right thing.
9. But some people, even when they know what is right decide to do the wrong thing.
10. Pick a volunteer. Tell them to eat the ball, and I will bounce the egg.
11. You cannot bounce and egg or eat a ball.
12.Even if you think you are special-it doesn't change certain ways.
13.There are certain ways to live and act. We learn about them from:
a. Our parents
b. At church
c. Our teachers
d. Our leaders
e. The Bible
14.All of these rules and examples are the same for all of us. You are not an exception to the rule.
15.So the next time you want to do something that is not a wise choice remember that an egg won't bounce and balls don't taste good.

10. Hand out prizes
1.Quiet Seat prizes
2.First time visitors - get a pencil

11. Extra Games
a .Hopping Game
b. Penguin Ball carry
i.4 girls
ii. 4 boys
iii. Ball
iv. On "go" the first person on each team has to carry the ball between their feet like a penguin to the designated place and back. Continue until everyone has gone.
v. The first team done is the winning team

12. Hand out candy.
Everyone has to be sitting in his or her seat to get a treat. Pick older kids to help you hand out candy.