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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6




a. Introduction: Race
-I need 2 volunteers.
-When I say go you can only move 1/2 a foot at a time. (Demonstrate) Go to the other end of the room and back. Lets see who gets back first.
-Ask: Who do you think will win?
-This kind of a race isn't about speed, how good of an athlete you are, it is about determination. In order to win this race you have to bee determined to complete it.
-This race is sort of like living a Christian life.
-In order to be a wise person you have to have determination.
-Determination is to have a firm or fixed decision about something, and to follow through with that decision no matter what you face.
-Being a Christian
-Finishing School
-Not giving into peer pressure
-Starting a career
-Having a Family
-Determination has 2 steps:
-Setting Goals
-Following those goals no matter what

b. In the Bible
-Who can you think of that was determined in the Bible?
-Old Testament
-David was determined to kill Goliath
-Daniel was determined to pray only to God
-Abraham was determined to get to the promised land
-Moses was determined to lead the Israelites out of slavery
-Sampson started out determined to save God's people
1.Then he got distracted by a girl
2.He did not finish what he started the way he started it
3.We have to be careful about distractions
4.What are some things that could distract us from serving God or other goals we have?
a. Peers
b. Family
c. Money

c. Jesus is the greatest Example of someone who was determined.
-Before coming to earth, he had and knew His purpose.
-To live and die for us so that we could be free from sin and live eternally.
-He spent His entire life living for his purpose.
-He preached the Gospel
-He freed people from sickness, depression and hopelessness.
-He never started a side project or changed his career.
-He never gave into the government or his friends when they questioned Him.
-Then He died on the cross.
-What He endured what probably one of the most painful difficult deaths anyone had ever gone through - He was determined to do it so we could be free from sin
1.They made fun of him
2.They whipped Him
3.They put the crown on His head
4.They hung Him on the cross
-Jesus was determined to set us free from sin and give us the opportunity to live with Him forever.
-He did not for one minute sway from his purpose and goals no matter how had it got.

Conclusion: Athlete
-Hold up a pair of shoes and gym clothes.
-An athlete is a good example of someone who is determined
-Who has been watching the Olympics?
-They make the activities look so easy -like anyone could do them.
-Every one of the competitors has a goal-to be the best in their sport.
-They practice for hours and hours everyday for years.
-Many of them have to give up things like
-Junk food
-Good times with peers
-They have to give up these things to train and to make sure their body is in the best shape possible.
-It takes determination to be an athlete
-When athletes get tired, they keep on going.
-When athletes get thirsty, they keep on going.
-When their bodies get sore, they keep on going.
-When they make a mistake, they keep on going.
-We need to have the same attitude about our life as a Christian, and about t he goals in our life.