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Choosing Who You Will Serve

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things

Verse: Choose for yourself this day whom you will serve…But as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15


1 large envelope
3 pieces of white cardboard
3 smaller pieces of paper with the numbers 1-3 printed on them
1 piece of paper that has written on it – Your choice will be #1
Black Marker.


1. Take the pieces of paper and glue the smaller piece of paper with the numbers on them on the front so it creates a flap that opens at the bottom.
2. Write on another piece of paper – Your choice will be #1
3. Write on the back of the cardboard #2 – Your choice will be #2
4. Write on under the #3 flap – Your choice will be #3
5.Put all 3 numbers carefully in the envelope, so they are all facing the same way. It is important that when you pull them out that your volunteer and your audience do not see the back of the cardboard or under the flaps.
6.Also, put the piece of paper you wrote – Your choice will be #1 – in the envelope. Make sure you do not pull it out with the numbers.


-Today I have brought an envelope with me.
-Inside the envelope is three numbers.
-Now I need a brave volunteer to come to the front

(Choose your volunteer. Pull out the numbers)

-I have 3 numbers. I am going to put them across the front.

(Do not let your volunteer get too close or touch the number. You do not want them to see anything)

-Now before class I made a prediction about what number you would pick. Let’s see if you can pick the right number.

(Have your volunteer pick a number.)

-Now I want you to yell the number you have chosen as loud as you can.
-Are you sure that is the number you want to choose?

-To the Audience – What number do you think they should choose?

-I am going to give you one more opportunity to choose a number.

-Yell your final choice as loud as you can.

Prediction Reveal

-Let’s take a look at my prediction.
-I knew before class that you would pick the number ________
-Look at . . ..

IF they chose #1 . . . what is written on the piece of paper in the envelope (same envelope the numbers were in) . . . Your choice will be #1.

IF they chose #2 . . . what is written on the back of card #2 . . . Your choice will be #2

If they chose # 3 . . . . what is written under the #3 flap . . . Your choice will be #3.


-Boys and Girls, God gives us all a choice.
-He said, “Choose this day whom you will serve . .”
-You get to choose who you are going to serve –who you are going to live for
-You can choose to live for your family, your friends, your teachers at school, a famous person, a gang . . . God says – You Choose . . . .
-In the second part of the verse, Joshua tells us what our choice should be. . . “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
-The Right Choice for you is to decide to live for Jesus.
-Jesus will not force you to go to church. He will not force you to read your Bible. He will not force you to follow His Commands.
-Jesus wants you to choose to live for Him