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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Whoever claims to live in Him must walk as Jesus did. 1 John 2:6


rock –labeled Jesus
2 Pan



The wise person obeys God.
Jesus told a story about a wise man in the Bible
-He wanted the people listening to understand what a wise man was.
-He said a wise man is someone who trusts and obeys God.
-Trust is the first step to obeying.
-Jesus said a wise person is like a man who builds his house on a rock.
-(Place the rock in a pan and a “house” on the rock”)
-When the rain pours and the river floods and the wind blows, the house stays safely on the rock.
-When we build our life on Jesus (the rock-label “Jesus”), it doesn’t matter what things happen to us or around us (the house – label “us”), we will stay strong and protected by Jesus.
-If we are going to be a wise person we need to build our life on Jesus by trusting and obeying Him.

Jesus told a story about a foolish man
-Jesus wants the people listening to understand what a foolish person does so they do not act the same way.
-Jesus said a foolish person is someone who hears about God’s Word but chooses to do his or her own thing and disobey God.
-Foolish people think they don’t need God.
-Jesus said a foolish person is like a man who builds his house on the sand.
-(In pan number 2 make a pile of sand, place a “house” on the sand)
-When the rain pours and the rivers flood, and the wind blows, the house is washed away-destroyed.
-When we choose not to build our life on Jesus but to do our own things, there is nothing to protect us.
-When bad things happen to us and around us, there is no one to run to. We usually run to other bad things – drugs, alcohol, and money.
-When we run to bad things our life jigs destroyed or ruined like the foolish man’s house.

There are 2 pasts to obeying.
You must trust Jesus before you can obey Him
-What does it mean? Believing in Him and what He did for us
-Show example of blindfolding someone and then having him or her fall and catching him or her.
-Can the person see me? How do they know I am there? I said so.
-We might not be able to see Jesus, We did not see Him when He was on the cross, but we have to Believe His Word.

Obeying Jesus is a good habit to have in our life.
-Example of brushing our teeth
i. How often do we brush our teeth?
ii. What happens when we don’t?
-We need to practice obeying Jesus everyday of our life.
iii. When we obey Jesus we will lead a successful life
iv. When we obey Jesus He will help us obey other people we need to obey.
1. Mothers
2. Teachers
3. Laws
4. Kidz Club leaders

-You have to make a choice. Do you want to live like the Wise man or the foolish man?
-If you want to live like the wise man than you must first put your trust in Jesus and then decide to obey Him everyday.
-If you decide to be like the foolish man then you have to ignore everything I say, and your life will surely be destroyed like the foolish man’s house was.