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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian






-Today we are going to learn about the last characteristic of a wise person.
-Who can guess what it is? – Reliable
-What does reliable mean?
a. To trust
b. To depend
c. To have confidence in
d. To count on
-Example: Who rides the bus every Sunday?
e. Does the bus come every Sunday or just once in awhile when the driver feels like it?
f. When you wake up Sunday morning do you wonder if the bus is coming today or not?
g. The bus for Kidz Club is reliable.

Game (use Emilie)
-Blindfold Emilie
-Have her stand on a chair.
-Emilie when I say, “go” you are going to fall off the chair.
-Ask Emilie why you did such a dangerous thing?
-Do you know me?
-Am I reliable?
-Would I let you fall?
-Emilie can depend on me, trust in me, have confidence in me and count on me.
-Pick the smallest kid in church.
-Emilie would you rely on _______to catch you if we played the same game?
-Why not?
i. ______________ is too small
ii. I don’t know _________________

If we are going to be a wise person we need to be reliable.

What are some areas we need to be reliable in?
-Our parents should rely on us to do our chores, watch our brothers and sisters
-Church-if you sign up to help you need show up
-If we say we are going to do something we should do it