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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian



alcohol/water solution
“Bush” to burn
Penguin Egg/ball



Introduction: Story – Moses

1.God told Moses His job
a. God had a very important job for Moses
b. A really mean King made all God’s people slaves.
c. Moses was the man God chose to help God’s people become free.

2.God told Moses His plan
a. Moses was a shepherd
b. God spoke to Moses
c. God appeared as a burning bush (alcohol, water, “bush”)
d. God explained the plan to Moses

3.Moses was scared and tried to get out of God’s plan
a. Moses gave God excuses why he couldn’t be the one
b. God gave Aaron as a helper to Moses

4.Moses obeyed God
a. Moses went to the mean king. At first the mean king did not want to let God’s people go.
b. God showed His power to the king through plagues he sent to the Egyptians.
c. Eventually the king agreed to let the people go.
d. Moses was a wise person. He was:
i. Determine
ii. Had courage
iii. Persevered-didn’t give up
iv. Compassionate towards the slaves
v. Obedient to God
vi. Was responsible/dependable

Definition of Responsible
-We are going to learn about another characteristic of a wise person – Responsible.
-What does responsible mean?
i. Dependable
ii. Trustworthy
iii. Can make good choices
iv. Reliable

Story about the Penguin.
-Where do penguins live?
-Like all birds the mother penguin lays eggs, and the eggs hatch into baby penguins.
-After the mother lays the eggs what do you think happens next?
-The dad has to keep the eggs warm for 2 months.
-Unlike most birds penguins don’t have nests.
-That could be hard to do in such a cold place.
-Who do you think the penguin could keep this egg (hold one up) warm for 2 months?
-The father holds the egg up on his feet. Now because a penguin has short legs, the egg stays warm because of the penguins body heat.
-How does the father penguin get around during those 2 months?
-Have a volunteer try to carry the egg on top of his feet. It is almost impossible.
-Did you know that the father penguin doesn’t really go anywhere for 2 months? Sometimes he doesn’t even eat for 2 months.
-The Father penguin is responsible for the egg and he does a good job taking care of it. Sometimes other fathers help him take care of the egg by getting in a big huddle to keep the egg warm.
-Now after 2 months the egg hatches. What do you think the father does?
-He doesn’t just leave the egg/baby. The father feed the baby milk that that is produced in his throat. The father continues to keep the baby warm.
-Soon the mother comes back, and takes care of the babies so the father can go eat.
-The father penguin is responsible for its babies.
-What would happen if the father said “I am too hungry or bored –see you later.”
-The baby would die.

Our responsibilities
-Do our homework
-Do our chores
-Watch our brothers and sisters
-Live for Jesus

What is Jesus responsible for?
-He forgives our sins
-He is always with us
-He gives us strength to make right choices.
-He protects us
-He takes care of us.

Conclusion: What are we responsible to Jesus for?