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What You Plant Is What You Get

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: How To Be A Wise Christian

Verse: Be very careful how you live-not as unwise but as wise. Ephesians 5:15


Fruits and vegetable
2 tubes of toothpaste
2 plates
2 straws
4 Volunteers – 2 girls, 2 boys



A. Introduction:
a. The Bible has all kinds of lessons and sayings to live by in it
b. Today we are going to talk about one of those.
c. It is a principle we can live by.
d. What you plant is what you get.
e. This time of you people harvest their fruits and vegetables. (Hold them up)
f. How do they get them?
g. If I planted a pumpkin seed in the spring would I get an apple tree in the fall?
h. If I planted pretty flower seeds would I get a cucumber?
i. Whatever seeds you plant in the spring-that is what you are going to harvest in the fall.
j. What do you think this has to do with our life as a Christian?

B. Reap What You Sow
a. Whatever we sow or plant in our life, we will harvest the same thing.
b. If you hate everyone, then everyone will hate you.
c. If you are disrespectful and rebellious, then people will not respect you.
d. If you are not a good friend to others, they you will not have good friends.
e. If you are mean and make fun of other, then people will be mean to you and make fun of you.
f. If you are nice and loving towards others, people will treat you in a nice way.
g. If you are helpful and thoughtful towards others, people will be helpful and thoughtful towards you.

C. All thoughts start in the heart
a. Here is a piece of coal
b. Coal has been around for a long time
i. It has been a source of heat
ii. It has been used in cooking
iii. Blacksmiths used to use it to melt metal
c. Coal is dug up from deep in the ground.
d. It is made from the remains of hard-pressed grass, weeds, and leaves.
e. Coal has many good uses:
i. Tar comes from coal. This is used in
3.Food preservatives
ii. It is also used in
f. On the other hand scientists can also produce many poisonous things from coal.
1.Harmful drugs
2.Poisonous gases
g. This piece of coal reminds me of our hearts.
H .The Bible tells us that in our heart we can store good thoughts or bad thoughts.
i. What kind of thoughts does Jesus want us to have in our hearts?

D. All the thoughts in our heart come out of our mouth.
a. Today we are going to have a contest.
b. 2 girls, 2 boys, plate, tube of toothpaste, straw
c. Squeeze out all the toothpaste from the tube onto a plate.
d. On “go” each team has to try and get the toothpaste back in the tube.
e. The team that gets the most in wins.
f. Eventually they will figure out it is impossible.
g. This reminds me of something else that is impossible.
h. Taking back words we have already spoken.
i. The Bible says what is in our heart will come out of our mouth.
j. Once we have spoken something out of our mouth you cannot take it back.
k. You can say “sorry”, “I didn’t mean it” but it is too late to take it back.

E. Conclusion:
a. Remember what you plant is what you get
b. The thoughts and words we plant in our life is what we are going to get back.