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10 Commandments

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man's Beginnings





-We are going to finish Kidz Club today by telling you one quick story about Moses and the Israelites.
-The Israelites lived in the desert for 40 years. Could you imagine what it would be like to camp in tents in the desert for 40 years?
-At first everything was going good. But then people started to fight with each other. People started stealing from each other. Some people built idols and worshipped them instead of God. People were complaining and being mean to each other. Do you know what the problem was?
-There were no rules. Even though a lot of us don't like rules life would be a lot worse without rules.
-Imagine if there were no rules when you drove your car. Cars could drive whatever way they wanted on the street. Cars could go as fast as they wanted. What would happen?
-What if there were no rules in our city? What if you could live wherever you wanted and take whatever you wanted? What if no one ever had to go to school?
-Even though life without rules sounds fun at first, we would have a big mess if there were no rules to follow.
-The Israelites needed rules they could follow. So, God gave them rules. Who knows what these rules are called? The 10 Commandments

-God told Moses to go up a mountain called Sinai. Moses spent some time with God up the mountain. While Moses was there God gave Moses the 10 Commandments - rules for the Israelites to live by.
-Back in the days of the Bible it was hard to find a paper and a pen, so does anybody know what the rules were written on? Big stone tablets.

Conclusion: God gave the Israelites rules to help them live in peace with each other and so they knew how to live for God. We have rules to follow to. We have rules in our house, at our school and in our city. These rules help us to live a peaceful life. We need to follow them. God gives us rules in the Bible, so we can know how to live the way God wants us to.