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An Interview With Nimrod

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man's Beginnings





Host: Boys and girls it is not my pleasure to introduce a very unusual guest, the most unusual we have had so far at Kidz Club - Nimrod. He is a hunter and trader. He is probably someone you have never heard of but after today I guarantee you will never forget him.

Nimrod enters

Nimrod: (screaming) My name is Nimrod. (Do the name thing)

Host: Why are you so upset? Has someone here done something to you?

Nimrod: No! I am just so mad, I could chew nails.

Host: Do you want someone to find you some?

Nimrod: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You see for twenty years a worked day and night to build the most amazing tower in the world. It was called the Tower of Babel. It was a masterpiece. And then, IT WAS GONE. Twenty years of hard work - all for nothing.

Host: The tower you built was the Tower of Babel. You should never have built it. You knew that it didn't make God happy.

Nimrod: Don't tell me what to do. I don't listen to anybody. I don't care about what God thinks. I am the ruler (or at least was) of thousands of people.

Host: Yes, you used to rule thousands of people. Now they can't even understand you so it doesn't matter anymore what you used to do.

Nimrod: I don't understand why God changed all their languages. Here I was getting ready for the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Tower of Babel - the masterpiece of all masterpieces when all of a sudden, everybody started talking in different languages. People that I had been friends with all my life couldn't understand me and I couldn't talk to them!

Host: You know why it happened. You disobeyed what God wanted.

Nimrod: I don't care about that obedience stuff. I am old enough and smart enough to do whatever I want.

Host: Obviously you are not very smart. God changed everyone's languages because he told you guys to spread out over all the earth. You didn't pay any attention to what God wanted you to do. You kept trying to gather everyone together.

Nimrod: What's the big deal with a bunch of people getting together to hang out and have fun.

Host: When a bunch of people get together to hang out they get into trouble especially if they don't follow God. Hanging out can be dangerous when it is with the wrong crowd.

Nimrod: What do you mean hanging out can be dangerous?

Host: Well, people start to do stupid things. Look what you guys did. You started worshipping dumb things and praying to false gods instead of the true God. You got involved in trying to predict the future with astrology and fortune telling. Only God knows the future. We need to trust Him.

Nimrod: So, what's the big deal we were just having fun!

Host: People who don't put their trust in God end up with a messed up life. We need to trust and obey God.

Nimrod: Don't I have a choice whether I want to obey God or not?

Host: I guess you don’t have to obey God if you don't want to, but you forced others to follow your bad example and that was wrong.

Nimrod: I only beat a couple people for not working hard enough on the tower. That's not so bad. I mean after all God destroyed all the work I had done for 20 years.

Host: I told you, you shouldn't have built the tower in the first place.

Nimrod: I only want to be like God - What is wrong with that?

Host: Look Nimrod, God does want you to be like Him, but not the way you are thinking. God loves all of us very much. The problem is that we all do bad things that keep us from being close to God. So, God came up with a solution to the problem. He sent His son Jesus to die for us. Jesus was punished for our sins, so we could be close to God. Now we have a job to do. We have to decide to live for Jesus. That means first of all we need to believe that Jesus did die for us. Then we need to pray and ask Gods forgiveness for the bad things we have done. Finally we need to decide that we are going to live for Jesus everyday. We are going to do what God tells us to. We are going to put into practice what the Bible teaches us.

Nimrod: What do you mean I have to do what the Bible says?

Host: Well if you are really going to live for Jesus, then you need to read the Bible and do what it says. You can no longer do whatever you want to do. You can't just build towers because you feel like it. You can't beat someone up because you feel like it. You can't lie because you feel like it.
Nimrod: Forget that!!! It sounds too hard for me. I am going to go have another party, and build another tower. Who cares about what God says?!!!