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Baby Moses

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man's Beginnings





Introduction: We are going to spend the next few weeks talking about someone who is very important in the Bible. There is a lot about his guy in the Bible. Who can name some important people in the Bible?

Well today we are going to talk about Moses. Who has ever heard about Moses? Since we are going to talk about Moses for a few weeks I wanted to make the stories about his life interesting so I thought I would invite different people in Moses' life to tell about him.

Today I invited his older sister to come. She was there when Moses was born. She is going to tell all about Moses early life.

Let's give a Kidz Club welcome to Miriam!!!!

Teacher: Miriam, why don't you start by telling us what it was like to be alive around the time when your little brother was born?

Miriam: It was very scary for people like us. We were Jewish. The ruler of our land did not like us. He wanted to get rid of all the Jews. One way he thought he would do this was to kill all the Jewish boys being born. My mom had to hid the fact that she was even pregnant. Then the day came that Moses was born. We had to be very careful who helped and who knew Moses was even born. If the wrong people found out he would have been dead. A lot of my friends little brothers were killed when they were just babies.

At first Moses was easy to hide. He was really little. He slept most of the time. He was such a good baby. As he grew it was harder and harder to hide him. He made more noise and he wanted to crawl around. It finally got to the point that my mom realized she could no longer hide him.

My mom thought and thought of ways to save Moses' life.

The best plan she could come up with was to design a special basket for Moses and float him down the river. She hoped that some Egyptian would find him, think he was really cute and raise him safely as their own child.

It was very hard for her to do this. She had to give up her own son. She knew that this was what God wanted and that God would protect Moses.

My mom worked hours to create a special basket that wouldn't sink. She made nice blankets to go inside it. She would lay Moses in the basket so he would be used to it.

One morning I woke up and my mom told me that today was the day to put baby Moses in the basket. He would be safer this way. We were all very sad. We all hugged baby Moses and said our "Good-Byes".

I went down to the river with my mom. I watched as she carefully tucked in Moses and prayed for his safety. She told me to hide in the weeds and watch out for him to see where he ends up.

I watched and watched and watched. The basket floated downstream slowly. Some of the ladies from Pharoah's household (the ruler of Egypt) were outside bathing in the river. One of them found the basket. I watched as a young lady found the basket and opened it up. She could not believe her eyes. She fell in love with Moses right away. I knew Moses would be safe with this girl because she was Pharoah's daughter. I heard her telling the other ladies how she wanted someone to help her take care of the baby. I thought this was my chance. I ran out of the bushes and yelled, "My mom will help you. She loves babies. I am sure she would be glad to help you with this baby." The girl was very happy.

I went to get my mom. I knew she would be so excited. Moses would be safe. She would get to help take care of him.

Teacher: Wow! What an exciting story to hear about.

We can learn something very important from that story.

Moses' family loved and obeyed God. God took care of them. The Bible tells us the same is true for us.

Bible Verse: "The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord." Psalm 37:23

When we decide to obey and live for Jesus, takes care of us and protects us.

*Have kids repeat the verse in different ways

*If time chubby bunnies with the Bible verse