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The Creation Skit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings





Characters: Teacher, Professor

Teacher: Today we are talking about how God created the world out of nothing. God used His words to created the entire world and universe. That is pretty hard for us to imagine. It shows us just how important Words are. God’s words created the entire universe. Instead of just telling you the creation story because I think pretty much all of you have heard it, I decided to invite a special guest to Kidz Club today. His name is Professor________________________ Now Professor _______________doesn’t believe in creation, so we are going to try to talk to him about it. I decided to let him come because I thought we could maybe get him saved today.

(Professor suddenly appears)

Professor: I heard that! I already shaved today, and you are not going to get me to do it again. I only shave once a day. I am certainly not going to shave in front of all of you.

Hello class! I am so glad you invited me here today. I have come on behalf of the Monkey Evolutionary society. Today I am going to talk to you about the scientific explanation of where we came from. I have been educated at the most highly accredited school all over the world – Oxbrain, Birdley, Hardhead, Coolgate, and Idiotic State. I have degrees in the LID, the PHD, the BA, the MA, the ABC, and the XYZ. I also have my BO degree.

Teacher: I’ll agree to that. You sure do have the BO.

Professor: I am proud of my BO degree. It took me hundreds of hours to earn it.

Teacher: I’ll bet you skipped lots of baths too!

Professor: That is not all I skipped. I have sacrificed many things so I could study how mankind developed and evolved over the past millions of years.

Teacher: Did you ever get your education in the Word of God?

Professor: Are you referring to the Bible? The Bible is not important. It is just a bunch of fairy tales.

Teacher: So, you are trying to tell me that your great, great, great, great, great, great, great, grandpa was a monkey.

Professor: How dare you say that? My ancestors were brilliant men. Many millions of years ago there was a slow development in the ape. They began to walk upright. They began to think. They began to use stick and rocks as weapons. They began to lose their hair.

Teacher: So what happened? They go cold, went to Wal-Mart and bought some clothes.

Professor: How dare you make fun of evolution? It is very serious and true. You mean to tell me that you actually believe in the Bible and in creation. That is just a bunch of stories that nobody can prove to be true.

Teacher: Yes, we believe in the Bible. We believe that God created the Heavens and the earth from nothing. God spoke and the world was created.

Professor: Well, I just can’t believe that the earth we live on and all the things in it were made from someone’s words. I like my theory better.

Teacher: If men evolved from monkeys, where did the monkeys come from?

Professor: The monkeys evolved from squirrel-type creatures.

Teacher: Where did the squirrel-type creatures come from?

Professor: Well the squirrel typed creatures probably evolved from an amphibious creature like a lizard.

Teacher: Where did the lizard come from?

Professor: He came from a fish.

Teacher: Where did the fish come from?

Professor: The fish came from a tiny ocean creature.

Teacher: Where did the tiny ocean creature come from?

Professor: It came from the tiny one-cell amoeba.

Teacher: Where did the amoeba come from?

Professor: I don’t know.

Teacher: How can you believe in something that you can’t even prove? Why don’t you accept the truth professor? God created the entire universe with His Words out of nothing. Then, God created man. He made us special and He has a special purpose for each of us.

Professor: How can I believe that? There is no special reason we exist. We are just accidents. It was just by chance that we exist.

Teacher: That is not true we exist for a reason. God made us special and gave us all special gifts, abilities, and a special purpose for our life.

Professor: I am not special. Look at me. I am just miserable. God has nothing special for me. Besides what has He ever done for me?

Teacher: He sent His son Jesus to die for you, and forgive you for all the bad things you have done. He loves you and takes care of you everyday. Professor, you need God’s help. You need to get saved.

Professor: I told you I shaved this morning and I am not shaving again. Besides what’s that got to do with God’s love.

Teacher: I am not talking about shaving. I am talking about being saved. God saves us from our sin. He gives makes us a brand new person and gives us something exciting to live for.

Professor: Tell me more about getting saved:

Teacher: Well at Kidz club we use the 4 Most Important things to learn about getting saved. (Have the kids help you with this part)
1. God loves me. – First we need to believe that God loves all of us so much, and that He made us special and has special plans for us.
2. I have sinned. – Then we need to understand that we all do bad things. When we do bad thing at home our parents punish us. When we do bad things according to what God says we deserve to be punished. The Bible says that the punishment for sin is death.
3. Jesus died for me. This is the good news. Jesus took our place. Jesus died in our place so we wouldn’t have to be punished for our sins. He was punished for us.
4. I must decide to live for Jesus. – Jesus wants to be our best friend. When we decide to live for Jesus we get a brand new life. He gives us special jobs to do for Him, and He helps us to live the way God wants us to. He also takes special care of us. It isn’t always easy to live for Jesus – but it is the best way to live.

Professor: I don’t understand everything about God and the Bible yet, but I think that I want to live for Jesus. What you are talking about seems much better than the way I am living now. Of coarse I will probably lose my job, and I will have to change a lot of things, but it sounds like the right decision to me.

Teacher: When you decide to live for Jesus God will help you, and He will help you find a new job. The first thing you have to do is pray and tell Jesus about your decision to live for him. (Ask boys and girls if anybody wants to make the same decision as the professor.

Pray with the professor.

Now professor. It doesn’t end with a prayer. You need to get a Bible and read what God has to say about the world and your life. You need to believe what you read in your Bible and you need to live by what you read.

Professor: I am going right home to read my Bible. Thank you for all your help.