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Enoch Walks With God

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings






Enoch: (His back to the audience, on his knees, praying)

Lord, help me to keep my life free from sin. You are the true and only God. You created everything. I want to serve you all the days of my life because you are good and your ways are right.

Lord, you know that most of my neighbors are wicked and they are always trying to get me to do bad things. Give me the strength to say “no” when they tempt me, and help me to be a good example to them. Amen.

(Enoch turns around and faces the audience)

Oh! Hello. My name is Enoch. I walk with God. I haven’t seen Him or anything like that, but I believe in Him. I talk to Him every day and He speaks to me in my heart. My great-great-great-great- great grandfather was Adam. When I was younger he would tell me stories about how God would visit him and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They were my favorite stories to hear.

God created this whole world for the people that he created to live in and enjoy. The sad thing is that now a days nobody cares about God. Everyone is so caught up in doing their own thing. It’s like God doesn’t exist. People have made their own Gods to worship. People do whatever they want even if it is evil. Nobody cares.

But my God is powerful. He created the entire world and all that is in it. We need to love Him and serve Him.

Neighbor: Hey, Enoch, wanna hear a dirty joke?

Enoch: No! Keep it to yourself?

Neighbor: Aw, come on Enoch. One little joke won’t hurt anything. I suppose you’re probably afraid that it might displease God.

Enoch: That’s right!

Neighbor: Enoch, there is no God like you talk about. It’s just an old tale-a big made up story.

Enoch: That’s where you are wrong! God is real, and I can tell you that He made this whole entire world and everything in it.

Neighbor: The trouble with you Enoch is that you are never any fun. You never come to our parties. You never get drunk with us. You don’t have a girlfriend.
Enoch: I have lots of fun, but I am not coming to your party. I am not interested in what you call fun.

Neighbor: Are you afraid you’ll like all our idols?

Enoch: No, I’m not afraid of your idols. They are just a bunch of wood and stone. God is real man. He is a real person. He lives in heaven. God created this whole entire universe.

Neighbor: Yeah, yeah, You’re gonna tell me that He made Adam and Eve and told them not to eat the fruit of a certain tree but they did anyways.

Enoch: That is right. He told them not to eat, but they did. Adam’s sin brought a curse on the entire world. Now every person is guilty of sin.

Neighbor: Give me a break. There is no such thing as sin. Sin is just your idea of trying to keep me from expressing my personality.

Enoch: Sin hurts everybody involved.

Neighbor: I don’t hurt people when I do what you call sin.

Enoch: You have to hurt others with your sin. What about the wife and three kids you took off on so you could chase another woman? What about the man you injured for life when you stabbed Him? What about the poor family that you drove in the desert just so your herds could graze on pastures? When will you ever admit that you have done some bad things?

Neighbor: Never! I can do anything I want. You are not going to make me feel bad by calling it sin.

Enoch: Poor fool. He lies to himself all the time but on the inside He knows that He is not happy.

(Enoch walks off)

Teacher: Enoch went off to walk and talk with God some more. Enoch was so in love with God. He dedicated so much of his time to spending time with God. Do you know what happened one-day? Enoch disappeared. The Bible says that God took Him into Heaven. He didn’t die or anything like that He just went up into heaven to be with God.