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Jacob And Esau

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: Forgive as the Lord forgave you.


Isaac costume
8-foot table
Stew (bowl and spoon)
Jacob – make him hairy
2 Volunteers
Wrapped present



Today’s Bible story is about Isaac again.
-Who remembers who Isaac’s dad was?
-Who remembers the name of Isaac’s mom?
-Who remembers the name of Isaac’s wife?

Isaac and Rebekah really wanted to have a family. It took a while but finally Rebekah was going to have a baby. They were so excited. Isaac and Rebekah had another big surprise. They were not only going to have one baby but they were going to have 2 babies at once – twins.

Isaac and Rebekah named their twin boys – Jacob and Esau. Esau was born first so he was the oldest twin.

Esau was an outdoorsman. He loves to hunt. He was very strong. He was also very strong-willed. He had little respect for God. Isaac loved Esau the most because of his strength and abilities.

Jacob was gentle and kind. He was not strong nor was he a good hunter like his brother. Even though Jacob made some mistakes, he wanted to do what was right in his heart and he wanted to serve God.

Part 1

Choose someone to act out an old man (Isaac). Make a bed for him off to the side for him out of an 8-foot table and a sheet. Put the gray beard on him to make him look old.

Their father Isaac was very old and blind. In the Bible times before a father died, he would bless the older son. Isaac wanted to bless Esau the oldest twin. Esau was a very hairy hunter, who was always cooking good food for his father.

Jacob heard about what Isaac wanted to do. He was mad. He did not want to be left out of the blessing. He decided he was going to trick his dad into blessing him instead of Esau. The problem was that his skin was smooth and he was not a hunter.

Jacob had a good idea. He got some animal skin and put it on, and put on his brothers clothes.

Choose a volunteer to be Jacob. Have him put on the fury sleeves, and other clothes.

Jacob had his mother make some yummy stew.

Open a can of stew and dump it in a bowl, stir it and hand it to Jacob.

He went to his father’s bedside. Guess what the trick worked. Isaac blessed Jacob instead of Esau.

When Esau came home and found out what had happened he was very angry. He got so angry he wanted to kill Jacob. Jacob got scared and ran away.

This is the end of part 1. You can have the volunteers sit down.

Part 2

Lots of time passed – about 20 years. Jacob had a big family, lots of servants, and hundreds of animals to take care of. One day he had an opportunity to meet Esau. He was scared. At first he sent some gifts to Esau (Hold up the present wrapped up) through his servants.

Finally the big day came when they would meet. Esau had a decision to make. Either he would hold a grudge or he would let go of the anger he felt 20 years ago.

What decisions do you think Esau made?

Esau decided to let go of his anger. When the brothers saw each other from a distance, Esau ran to Jacob and threw his arms around his neck. There was no fighting. There was no anger. They were so happy to see each other.

Conclusion/Object lesson:
Get 2 youth volunteers to come to the front. Tie one up so they can’t do much with rope. Leave on free. Give them both instructions to do things like: run to the other end of the room and back; do a sit up; give someone a hug.

The person that is all tied up is just like someone who is full of hate and anger towards someone. If you are bound with hate and anger it is hard to have fun and enjoy your life.

When you decide to forgive others and love others you are free (like this person) to enjoy life and do what God wants you to do.