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Jacob’s Bride

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings



Wedding Party/decorations
Groom costume
Bride costume (better played by a boy)



Background: Today you have all been invited to attend the wedding of Jacob and Rachel. Jacob fell madly in love with Rachel. In order to marry Rachel, Jacob had to work for seven long years for her father, on her father’s farm. Jacob just finished working is seven years last month, and now today he is going to marry Rachel – to woman of his dreams. He wanted all you to witness this wedding.

So you understand the situation a little better. Let me give you some family history. Who has ever heard of the Bible story about Jacob and Esau? Well, let me tell it to you quickly. Jacob and Esau were twin boys. Their parents were Isaac and Rebecca. Esau was the oldest and his dad’s favorite. Esau was a hunter. Rebecca loved the youngest the most – Jacob.

Right before Isaac was to die he wanted to bless his oldest son and give him his inheritance – that was their custom. Isaac was mad about it. While Esau was out hunting, Jacob dressed up like his brother, made some stew and went to his dad pretending to be Esau. Isaac who could not see well fell for the trick. Isaac blessed Jacob and gave all the inheritance to Jacob. When Isaac and Esau figured out what happened they were furious with Jacob’s deception but there was nothing they could do.

Jacob is grown up now. He has found the woman of his dreams and is about to get married.

They have asked me to do the wedding for them. So, is everyone ready?

Now they didn’t have a flower girl or maid of honor so let me pick them. . .

Now we need a grooms man and Best man . . ..

Go get the groom

Have everyone stand on their feet and play the wedding music as the bride and Father walk down the aisle.

Narrator: Who gives away this beautiful bride?

Have everyone sit down

We are gathered here today to on the very special occasion to celebrate the joining together of Jacob, son of Isaac and Rachel, daughter of Laban.

Jacob, do you promise to take Rachel as your one and only wife, to love and care for her no matter what comes your way from this day forward?

Rachel, do you promise to take Jacob as your one and only husband, to love and care for him no matter what comes your way from this day forward?

Now for the rings!

Jacob turn to your bride and repeat after me:

With this ring - I thee wed – I promise to love and care for you – for the rest of my life –

Put the ring on

Rachel turn to your groom and repeat after me:

With this ring – I thee wed – I promise to love and care for you – for the rest of my life-

I now pronounce you man and wife. You are officially married in the eyes of the law and in the sight of God. Jacob you may remove the veil and kiss your bride.

Jacob upon seeing his new wife should scream and run out of the room. Rachel should stay standing.

What seems to be the problem? Oh no you are not Rachel –you are Rachel’s older sister Leah. Now it is too late for Jacob he is not married to the woman of his dreams – He is stuck with you!!!!!!!!!!

Leah (Rachel) should go running out of the room too.

Conclusion: You know what boys and girls this reminds me of what we talked about last week. Does anyone remember?

Last we talked about “sowing and reaping” or “what you plant is what you harvest”. If you plant tomato seeds what will grow? – Tomatoes. In our lives if we plant certain things that is what we will get back. IF we plant anger everyone will seem angry with us. IF we plant hate it will seem everyone hates us.

Jacob planted deception when he tricked his father into thinking he was Esau and now years later on his own wedding day he had reaped deception because Laban pretended Leah is older, not so pretty daughter was Rachel.

Boys and girls we need to be very careful what we plant in our life because it will eventually catch up with us!!!!