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Moses Makes A Mistake

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9


Volunteers for skit – plan it a head of time



Introduction: Who here has ever made a mistake or done something wrong? We all have done things that don’t make God happy. Moses did too! Can you guess what Moses did? He killed someone.

Remember that Moses grew up being raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. He had a good life. However, his people the Hebrews were being treated really badly in Egypt. They were treated like slaves. They had to work very hard.

One day when Moses had grown up, we went out to where his people were working and watched how hard they were being forced to work. He saw an Egyptian beating up one of his own people. How do you think he felt about this?

Moses got so angry that he killed the Egyptian and buried him in the sand. Moses looked all around and so no one was looking. He thought he could get away with killing this man who was being so mean.

Someone must have been watching because Pharaoh found out what Moses had done, and wanted to kill Moses. Moses ran away to a place called Midian.

Narrator: Let’s look at what this story would look like today.

Have to youth in the halls at school. One is bullying the other one by trying to take the person’s lunch money. One person starts to get pushy and hits the other person. Freeze the skit.

The person who got hits asks the kids:
-What do you think I feel like doing?
-What do you think the right thing for me to do is?
-Doing the right thing isn’t always the easiest thing

Conclusion: The cool thing about the end of this story is that God didn’t just give up on Moses because he made a mistake. God still had big plans for Moses. It is the same for us. When we mess up and do wrong things God doesn’t give up on us. God tells us in the Bible that when we ask God to forgive us for mistakes that He will and He will forgive us. God has big plans for all of our life we need to do our best to walk, talk and live like Jesus so we can do what God wants us to do.