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Moses-The Great Escape

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings

Verse: But with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26


Old man costume



-Who remembers the mane of the guy we have been talking about for the last several weeks?
-What did Moses mom have to do when Moses was a baby?
-Who found and raised Moses?
-What big mistake did Moses make when he grew up?
-What did God have Moses do?
-Last week when we left we heard about the plagues that God sent to the Egyptians because Pharaoh would not let God’s people be freed from slavery. Can anyone remember some of the plagues?

(As we are talking about the plagues, an old man should come walking out – acting lost)

Old man: You guys must be apart of the Israelites. I was just with them but it seems I took a wrong turn somewhere. I heard you talking about what has been happening in Egypt.

Teacher: Sir, we are not from Israel we are from Buffalo. I was just teaching the kids about Moses. Last week someone came and told us about the plagues, and now I was about to tell the kids what happened next. Maybe you would like to tell us about what happened next since you seem to know. I was going to start with the last plague.

Old man: Do we have to start the story there? That was the worst and scariest experience in my life. I mean all us Israelites were safe and it was kind of exciting for us because we knew we would be freed. It had to be the worst night ever in Egypt. Moses told Pharaoh if He didn’t let the slaves go then the first-born son of every house would die that night.

All of us Israelites were told to kill a lamb, and put its blood on the doorpost. This would be a sign that our family was Israelites, and we would be spared from this terrible plague. God also told us to prepare a special meal with the lamb, bitter herbs and bread without any yeast in it. God told us to eat all the food, if there was any left over were to burn it, and we were to eat it all dressed and ready to leave Egypt. God promised us that the next day we would be leaving Egypt.

That night as we ate our meals safely in our house, you could hear the screams and cries of mothers all over Egypt. They were crying and weeping over the deaths of their first-born son. Husbands and grandfathers dropped over dead because they were the first born in their house. Even Pharaoh’s first-born son died that night. There was a very sad and scary feeling in the air.

Pharaoh was so upset he didn’t even wait until the morning. He summons Moses and said, “Leave! Take your flocks, herds and all your belongings and leave at once.”

All of us quickly got our stuff together, and asked the Egyptians for gold and silver and left. I’m not sure why we asked for the gold and silver – God told us to. You should have seen the sight. Millions and millions of God’s people leaving Egypt. Everybody had to walk to his or her freedom. At first some of us were worried about that because we were old and sick in our bodies. It was a miracle – everyone who was sick was suddenly healthy and had the strength to walk out of Egypt.

The story is not quite over yet. As we were walking out of Egypt we heard that Pharaoh changed his mind. He wanted us back. He sent his armies after us. We were worried we would have to go back. Moses reminded us that God promised to do this for us and that he would. Then suddenly we faced a big problem – The Red Sea. On one side of us was the Red Sea and on the other was Pharaoh’s army. I was kind of in the middle of everyone so I didn’t see everything that went on, but the next thing I know the waters of the Red Sea parted and we started marching across the riverbed of the Red Sea. We march between 2 walls of water that must have been 100 feet high. We were all safe on the other side of the sea, and then we saw the mass of Pharaoh’s army coming right for us. What were we going to do? We could never outrun them.

Suddenly the walls of water fell right on top of Pharaoh’s army. They all drowned. God kept us safe from them. We were all so happy and thankful that we were free at last that we started to sing and dance and worship God. This is where I got a little lost. I decided to do some exploring. I wanted to see what it was like outside of Egypt. That is how I ended up here.

Teacher: Wow! That was a really exciting story. It would make a great movie someday. I think it is exciting to here about how God helped His people through all those impossible looking situations.

In our lives today, when we decide to live for Jesus, He will do the same thing. We might face some situations that look pretty impossible. God will help us face those situations. The Bible says that, “With God all things are possible.”
-It is possible for us to graduate from school even if we struggle.
-It is possible for us to stay away from drugs and alcohol even if everyone else in our family is addicted.
-It is possible for us to be a missionary even if we have never left our neighborhood.