Untitled Document


The Way People Live

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things



Magic Book
Dummy Book



-I have traveled to many different places and most people I meet are the same
-(Flip through the empty part of the book)
-Many people’s lives are empty and meaningless. They do not have any reason for living and they feel hopeless.
-Then there are some people you meet who try to be religious. Maybe they have heard of God. Maybe they go to church. Some people have gotten saved at some point in their life
-(Flip through the black and white part of the book)
-Their life has a little meaning at least they think so.
-Then there are people that Decide to live for Jesus
-Their life is full of meaning. They have hope and a purpose for living
-Jesus has given them a brand new start
-Their life is full of color and excitement
-(Flip through the colored part of the book
-Have a volunteer come up and try the trick with you but give them the dummy book