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The Sin Problem Skit

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Man’s Beginnings



Adam/Eve – volunteers no speaking
Snack’s voice
Satan (costume)



Teacher: (choose a volunteer) This is Adam. He is the boss of the entire Garden of Eden. Nobody else lives in the garden except for Adam. It is all his. Adam had the coolest job in the world. He got to name all the animals – the horses, cows, lions, goats, monkey, lizards, pigs, rhinos, and bears – all of them. What a job! The only problem is that Adam got kind of lonely. There was no one for Adam to talk with. God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep (Adam should lay on the ground and snore). While Adam was sleeping God made a friend for Adam. He took out one of Adam’s rib and created a Woman. (Choose a volunteer to be Eve)

When Adam woke up there before him stood the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She looked like him, but she was different. Adam called her Eve.

God gave Adam and Eve only one rule to follow. Who thinks following one rule sounds pretty easy? The rule was that they were allowed to eat fruit from any tree in the Garden except the one in the middle. God told them never to eat from that tree.

Adam and Eve went off and had lots of fun together playing with the animals, swimming in the rivers and running through the orchards of fruit trees.

New Scene:
Satan: I’ve gotta find somebody around here to help me! I need to find some kind of animal to help me get Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of that tree in the middle of the garden – the one that God told them not to eat from. Let’s see I’ve checked with the horse, I checked with the rabbit – the porcupine – the monkey –the turkey. No body wants to help me. (There should be a snake lying on the ground.) Have someone read the snake’s lines in the microphone.

Snake: Hello mister!

Satan: You’re just the animal I was looking for. How would you like to be the king of all the animals?

Snake: Me? King of all the animals? Sure. I will do any thing for you

Satan: All you have to do is help me get Adam and Eve to eat the fruit from that tree over there.

Snake: But God told them not to eat from that tree.

Satan: Listen to me snake. God is just lying to Adam and Eve about that fruit. It really won’t kill them. Actually it will make them really smart- kind of like God. You help me and you’ll be king.

Snake: I’ll be king of all the animals!

Satan: Yes, and I will be the king of the world – I will cause wars, and fires, and tornados and murder. I will make little kids sick. I will be the boss of this world.

Snake: I’ll be the king of all the animals!

Satan: Men will die and go to hell. They will wish they were never born. They will destroy their lives with drugs and alcohol. They will fail at everything they do. Some will even starve to death.

Snake: And I’ll be king of all the animals!

Satan: Here’s the plan. He picks up the snack, wraps it around his neck and whispers in his ear.

Teacher: The snake found Eve all alone. He walks over to Eve, and after a little bit of convincing the snake gets Eve to eat from the forbidden tree. The snake quickly disappears. Eve waits and waits. Nothing happens. She thought about how that was the best tasting fruit she had ever had. Eve convinces Adam to try the apple too. (They should both bite an apple)

Later that night God came to have his evening visit with Adam and Eve. He knew something was wrong. When God called for them, they would not come. God said where are you. Finally Adam stepped out and said we realized we were naked so we did not come. God knew they had broken the only rule.

What happens when we break rules? We get punished. God had to punish Adam and Eve. God kicked them out of the garden. Ever since them man has had a sin problem. Sin started with Adam and Eve, and now every person that ever has lived has had a problem with sin.