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Honor God A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: I will love you, O Lord, my strength. Psalm 18:1




-Who has decided to live for Jesus?
-When you live for Jesus there are lots of characteristics we should have in our life
-Our life should be different than people around us who do not live for Jesus.
-People should be able to see a difference in our life.
-This week we are going to talk about one important quality a Christian should have.
-A Christian should “Honor God”
-What does it meant to Honor God?
-To love and admire Him
-To praise Him
-To think highly of Him
-To obey all his commands
-What are some ways we can honor God?

Paul and Barnabas Honor God
-Paul and Barnabas were missionaries.
-A missionary is someone who travels to different parts of the world to tell people about Jesus.
-One day they were in a town called Lystra.
-There was a crippled man their. He could not walk.
-He had been crippled since he was born.
-Paul saw the man and told Him to “Stand to his feet.”
-God’s power healed the crippled man.
-The man stood up then jumped around.
-He was so happy he could walk.
-When the crowd from the town saw what had happened they began to worship their gods. The people living in Lystra worshipped many false gods
-They thought Paul and Barnabas were gods.
-They said, “Our gods have come to us in human form.”
-They even started offering sacrifices to Paul and Barnabas.
-When Paul and Barnabas realized what the people were doing, they rushed to the middle of the crowd and said, “What are you doing? We are only men, human like you.”
-Then they told the people that is was God – the true and only God that had healed the crippled man.
-They shared the Good news about Jesus with the people and told them they had to stop worshipping their false gods.
-Paul and Barnabas honored God for what he had done for the crippled man.

* When you tell the story you could have 3 volunteers – Paul, Barnabas, crippled man. You could also have the kids be the crowd worshipping Paul and Barnabas. You could explain to them a head of time what to do when you give them the cue (have them stand up, pretend to bow down and say “We worship you Paul and Barnabas.”)

What would you do?

Introduction: We need to honor God in every area of our life. I am going to read to you some situations if the person in the story honored God, I want to see your thumbs up and hear you “cheer”. If the person in the story does not honor God, I want to see your thumbs down and hear you “boo”.

1.Leroy was watching a television show. The story was funny, and he liked the people on the show. One of the characters kept on using God’s name in a bad way. Leroy kept on watching the show anyway. Did Leroy honor God?

2.Mary and her best friend go to the grocery story with Mary’s mom. While Mary’s mom is standing in line to pay for her groceries she realizes that she forgot to buy cereal. She tells Mary and her friend to stay in line while she goes to get the cereal. While she is gone Mary’s friend points to the candy rack and then secretly slips a piece of candy into her pocket. Mary doesn’t want to make her friend mad so she doesn’t say anything. Did Mary honor God?

3.Nico’s soccer team is tied for first place. Just before the big play-off game, the coach is assigning everybody the positions they will play. Nico is the team’s best goalie so of coarse he gets picked. His teammate Josh is also a good goalie but not as good as Nico. Josh said, “Nico you are so lucky you get to be goalie in the play-off game. You are so lucky you are the team’s best goalie. I wish I was as good as you.” Nico respond, “I am thankful to God for the talents he has given me. If you keep working hard, Josh you will be a great goalie too.” Did Nico honor God?

4.The girl who lived next door to Briana was always making fun of her, and trying to pick a fight with her. One day while Briana was outside with her friends she saw the girl next door sitting on her front porch all alone. Briana invited the girl to come and play with them. Did Briana honor God?

Review what it means to honor God, and why it is important.
End in prayer