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Respect Others A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Do to others as you would have them do to you. Luke 6:31


Shirt with “Christian” written on it
Pre-planned volunteer for #2
Stack of Books
Pre-planned volunteer for #3



1. Introduction:
-Who has decided to live for Jesus?
-When you live for Jesus should your life be the same or different?
-What is one way our life is different? We learned about it last week? (We should honor God)
-This week we are going to learn about another way our life should be different than those sometimes around us.
-We should respect others. (Have kids repeat it)
-What does it mean to have respect for others?
-Respect others means:
-To be fair to others
-To cooperate
-To be courteous (use manners)
-To think others are more important than you
-Not saying bad things about others
-Not hurting others or hurting their property

2. Actions speak louder than words.
-Have a volunteer wear the shirt that says “Christian” on it? (They should walk in acting rude and mean towards the kids and you –stick there tongue out, push the kids, make faces at you)
-You notice the shirt and ask what is that you are wearing?
-Why are you wearing that shirt? (Response: I want everyone to know I am a Christian)
-Who hear thinks __________is a Christian?
-It is really hard to tell that you are a Christian by the way you are acting.
-The Bible teaches us that if we are truly living for Jesus that we will act like Jesus.
-We will have God’s love in our life and others will know there is something different.
-___________ if you are really a Christian then your actions have to show you are a Christian.
-One of the ways our actions show we are Christians is by our love and respect for others.
-The Bible teaches us that we should do for other people what we would want others to do for us.
-Have the boys and girls tell __________what it means to respect others. (Review introduction)

3. Test: One of the ways to Respect others is to help others.
(Keep the person wearing the Christian shirt up at the front.)

-Now we are going to give you a test.
-Someone in this room needs help really bad. A part of being a Christian and showing love to others is helping others. Your job is to find the person and help them.

Have a person in the back or off to the side trying to carry a rally heavy stack of books and they are having a really hard time.

-The person wearing the shirt should look around the room and help funny people at first. For example, they could try to help you the teacher, they could try to help a kid eat their candy, and they could try to help someone out of their chair.

-Each time they try to help someone you could ask the kids – Does that person really need help?

-Finally they should spot the person with the books and help them carry the books to the front.

-How does it feel to help someone _____________? Does it feel better than being mean, rude and nasty?

Who here has decided to live for Jesus?
Who will promise me you will try to live like Jesus everyday?

**You could give an opportunity to kids who have not made a decision to live for Jesus – to decide to live for Jesus.

Maybe there is someone here who thinks they are a lot like _____________, and you realize that you are not happy living like ____________. You can decide to live for Jesus today. The Bible says that Jesus forgives us when we act like ___________. When we decide to live for Jesus – God fills us with His love and changes our life.