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Respect Others B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Do to others as you would have them do to you Luke 6:31


2 boxes – one plain and one really pretty
Prize for inside each box
Volunteers to act out story
Props for story



-Who has decided to live for Jesus?
-When you live for Jesus should your life be the same or different?
-What is one way our life is different? We learned about it last week? (We should honor God)
-This week we are going to learn about another way our life should be different than those sometimes around us.
-We should respect others. (Have kids repeat it)
-What does it mean to have respect for others?
-Respect others means:
-To be fair to others
-To cooperate
-To be courteous (use manners)
-To think others are more important than you
-Not saying bad things about others
-Not hurting others or hurting their property

The inside is important.
-I have 2 boxes (one is really pretty and one is plain)
-Choose a volunteer to pick with box they want.
-Try to talk them out of it
-Talk about what could be in each box
-Can you tell what is in the box by the looks of the outside?
-You cannot tell what someone is really like by looking at the outside either.
-What would be the best way to decide what box you want?
-To look inside.
-I am not going to let you.
-Let the person make their final decision. Let them open the box and keep what is inside the box.
-Ask the kids if they want to know what is in the other box.
-Show everyone.
-The important thing is in this game was –What was inside the boxes?
-The important thing in our lives is – What is inside of us?
-If we decide to live for Jesus- what is inside of us? Jesus’ love
-If Jesus love is inside of us then we will be able to respect and love others.
-Our outside will be attractive to others.
-We will not be mean and nasty.

-Who remembers the story of the Good Samaritan Jesus told?
-Review the story:
-The man got robbed, hurt and left to die.
-The first 2 people to walk by ignored him.
-The 3rd person to walk by stopped took care of him and took him to a hotel.
-Then he paid for the man to stay at the hotel until he gets better.
-That 3rd man had God’s love inside of him and so he showed respect to the man who had been robbed
-How can we show respect to others?