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Use Self-Control B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Blessed are they who. . . constantly do what is right. Psalm 106:3


Red and Green Piece of paper for everyone



-Who has decided to live for Jesus?
-When you live for Jesus should your life be the same or different?
-For the last 3 weeks we have talked about ways our lives should be different from those around us. Does anybody remember the 3 ways we have talked about so far?
-Honor God
-Respect Others
-Tell The Truth
-Today we are going to talk about a forth way our life should be different.
-It is we should use self-control (have the kid’s repeat – use self-control)
-What does it mean to use self-control?
-To behave
-Use good manners
-Do what is right without being told
-To not misbehave
-To act properly
-To use good judgment
-To not depend on others to make you do what is right
-Self-control basically means that we need to do (act or say) what is right in every situation we face.

Bible Story

-I was reading through my Bible this past week trying to decide what story to tell, and I realizes something – a lot of the people in the Bible who got themselves into trouble or did something really bad did so because they did not have self-control in their life. They did not do what was right in the situation they were in.
-Let’s look at a couple stories:
-Adam and Eve
-God created a beautiful Garden for them to live in with everything they could possibly want
-We could only imagine how beautiful it was
-God gave them only one rule –not too hard to follow
-“Don’t eat the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden”
-A dumb snake came and tempted them to do something bad
-If they had used self-control they would not have eaten the fruit.
-Adam and Eve did not use self-control – they ate the fruit
-They got kicked out of the garden, and their sin affected the rest of the human race.

-Cain and Abel
-Adam and Eve had two sons – Cain and Abel.
-They both gave God an offering.
-God was pleased with Abel’s offering but not Cain’s
-Cain got really jealous and angry.
-He did not use self-control. He killed his brother.
-Cain’s life was messed up forever.
-If Cain had used self-control what would he have done instead?

-God wanted to use Sampson in a very special way.
-God and Sampson had and agreement.
-Sampson followed their agreement or “covenant”
-God gave Sampson supernatural strength.
-Sampson did many amazing things for God.
-Along came a beautiful woman who did not love God
-Sampson had no self-control. He got involved with Delilah.
-Sampson’s life was a mess.
-He lost his hair, his strength, and his eye. He went to jail and ended up dying.

-Hand out 1 green piece of paper to everybody and 1 red piece of paper to everybody.
-Ask the kids what it reminds them of.
-The red piece means “stop” and the green piece means “go”.
-I am going to read to you different situations.
-If the person needs to stop and use self-control, you are to stand up, hold up the red piece of paper and yell stop.
-If what the person is doing is okay then you are to stand up, hold up the green piece of paper and yell go.
-We will see which side is the fastest with the most standing.

2.The teacher at school is giving a math lesson. Your friend two rows back flies you a paper airplane while your teacher’s back is turned. You want to fly the plane back across the room to your friend.

3.There is a rule at school that says, “ Do not run in the hallways.” The teacher asks you to take the attendance slip to the office. A group of kindergarten students comes out of the library. You know you should set a good example for them so you walk to the office.

4.During church your cousin passes you a note asking what you are doing after church. She wants you to write her back. You want her to come over after church.

5.At the end of roller-skating the teacher tells everyone it is time to take off your skates. You and your friends are having so much fun. You don’t want it to end. You want to keep skating as long as you possibly can until your teacher gets really mad.

6.All the other kids at the movies throw their cups and popcorn boxes on the floor when they finish eating. You think about the person who has to clean up the mess. When the movie is over you put your trash in the trashcan.

7.You see a video game in the store that you have been wanting for a long time. You beg your mom to buy t. She says, “no”. So you stomp your feet and get all mad at her, “You never buy me anything.”

8.While you are out riding your bike a stranger calls you over to his car. He says he is lost and wants directions to a house from you. You know it might be a trick. You ignore him and ride home quickly.

9.At camp a counselor brings a cooler full of canned drinks to your cabin. You are really thirsty. You ask, “May I have one?” She answers, “You can have all you want.” You drink one, and then another and then another. Later you go back for a forth one, even though your stomach is hurting.

10. During snack time, all your friends are sitting around the table eating. Your one friend starts, punching everyone and burping and throw food. He thinks he is having fun. You know he is behaving rudely, so you think you should get up and move to another table.

-Every day we face situations at home, at school and with our friends where we must decide whether to use self-control or not.
-If we are going to live for Jesus and have a successful life we must choose to use self-control.
-We can pray everyday and ask Jesus to help us use self-control.