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Admit When You Are Wrong A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Confess your sins to each other. James 5:16


2 pre-planned Volunteers



-Today we are going to learn about another quality that is important for a Christian to have in their life.
-The quality is: Admit when we're wrong
-What do you think it means to "admit when we're wrong"?
-It means:
-To apologize or say, "I'm sorry"
-To take the blame for something you said or did
-To ask for forgiveness

-Jesus told a story in the Bible to help us understand the importance of admitting we are wrong. We are going to act the story out for you.

Narrator: Once there were two men who went to the temple (the church) to pray. One was a Pharisee (take a bow) and one was a tax collector (take a bow). A Pharisee was someone who went to church every week, studied the laws in the Bible, and followed them exactly. A tax collector was usually a bad person who did bad things. They stole money from people, they were dishonest, and could not be trusted.

First the Pharisee prayed:

Pharisee: (Stretch your hands out and look towards heaven.) Oh! Lord, I am such a good person. I am not like the other sinners. I don't cheat. I don't steal. I don't lie. I am such an honest person. I go to church every week. I pray all the time. I even don't eat to spend time with you. God I give lots and lots of money to you.

Narrator: Then the tax collector prayed. He was so ashamed of himself; he could not even look towards heaven.

Tax Collector: God please have mercy on me, and forgive me for all the terrible things I have done.

Narrator: After Jesus told the story He said that God was more pleased with the prayer of the tax collector then the prayer of the Pharisee. God forgave the tax collector for the bad things he had done.

Conclusion: We all do wrong things and make mistakes. We will for the rest of our lives. If we are going to live for Jesus we need to be able to admit when we are wrong - just like the tax collector. There are two people we need to admit we are wrong to:
2.The person we have wronged.
-The Bible says, "Confess your sins to each other." James 5:16
(Depending on time you could go over the verse)

THE PLEDGE: (Have all the children stand and raise their right hand. Have them repeat after you) I promise to do my best to admit when I have done something wrong. I will ask God to forgive me and I will ask the person whom I have wronged to forgive me.