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Admit When You Are Wrong B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Therefore confess your sins to each other. James 5:16


2 jars 1/2 full of red water
Mark 1 jar with "J"
Dish soap
Cooking oil



-When you live for Jesus should your life be the same or different?
-We have talked about 4 ways our lives should be different from those around us. Does anybody remember the 4 ways we have talked about so far?
-Honor God
-Tell The Truth
-Use self control
-Who do you think gives us strength to live different?
-Why do you think it is important for us to live different?
-If we are truly going to live for Jesus our hearts need to be different then when we were not living for Jesus
-Did you ever think that if we live different then others that we can help make the world we live in a better place to live?


-In each of these jars I have some red water (1/2 full)
-The waters represents us.
-One jar should be marked with a "J". Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to this jar.
-Add about 1 inch of cooking oil to each jar.

-These 2 jars represent 2 different ways to live.
-Shake both jars.
-Hold up the jar with no "J" on it.
-During our lives we all face challenging situations and circumstances.
-It could be a temptation for us to do something bad
-It could be a situation where something bad happens to us
-We could need to make a difficult decision.
-A part of life and growing up is facing these types of situation.
-We have to choose how we are going to handle the situation.
-Some people try to find answers and relief in all different ways.
-Some just do bad things - it seems easier and more fun at the time
-Some people drink or do drugs to make their problems go away
-Some people work really hard-they think money is the solution for every thing
-Sometimes at first these ways to handle problems sound good.
-The biggest problem with handling your problems in these ways is that your problems and challenging situations are still there - sometimes worse.
-Hold up the jar with "J" on it.
-What do you think "J" stands for? - Jesus
-This jar represents a person who handles all their challenging situations and problems with Jesus
-When can we call on Jesus for help?
-Will He hear us?
-Will He help us?
-When we look to him for help and guidance through life our challenges, temptations and problems disappear.
-Jesus helps us solve our problems, face our challenges, and overcome our temptations.