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Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: 4 Most Important Things





The Bible has lots of important things for us to learn and understand. God wants us to write His Words on our Heart. Before we can really learn and understand the important things God has for us in the Bible we must do something very, very important. Who knows what that is?

I must decide to live for Jesus

(Hold up Balloon with dark balloon inside)

This balloon represents the heart of someone who has not yet decided to live for Jesus. The balloon inside is the sin in a person’s live who has not decided to live for Jesus. Before we decide to live for Jesus we have sin, and bad habits in our life. Maybe there are boys and girls here today that have a heart which looks like this.

(Hold up the needle and string)

The golden thread on this needle is God’s Word. God wants his word to go into our hearts. When God’s Word is in our hearts it helps us to live. God has all kinds of great things He wants us to learn. God has great plans for our lives

God’s Word can’t go into our heart until we get rid of the sin that is in our heart.

Jesus died for me

We all know that Jesus died on the cross for each of us so that we could get rid of the sin in our heart.

Today I am going to show you what happens when we decide we are going to live for Jesus. I am going to show you what happens when we ask Jesus to come into our heart.

(Put the needle through the balloon leaving the golden thread in the balloon)

When we decide to live for Jesus, Jesus comes into our heart and gets rid of the sin.

(Pop the inside balloon)

Then God’s Word can be planted in our hearts.

Conclusion: Maybe there are some boys and girls here today who have never decided to live for Jesus. Today you want Jesus to come into you heart and get rid of the sin and bad habits in your life.