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Be Kind A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32




Bible Story: Paul and the Shipwreck
Paul was a missionary. He went around preaching about Jesus. This made some of the Jewish leaders very angry. They had him arrested. He had to go to trial several times. Paul asked to be allowed to defend himself before Caesar, the leader of Rome. Paul, along with 275 other people set sail for Rome.

It was a very windy time of year, and they had trouble keeping their ship on the right course. God told Paul what was about to happen. Paul warned the sailors that their voyage was going to be disaster. The sailors ignored Paul.

All of a sudden, a wind as strong as a hurricane swept over them. The wind was so bad. The huge waves battered the ship. It was so stormy that the sun and stars did not appear for many days.

Have the kids help you make a storm:
-Use a sheet to create waves
-Use the rain stick for rain
-Have the girls blow really hard
-Have the boys make thunder on their chair
-Turn out the lights

(Blow the whistle when the storm is "over")

The men gave up all hope of being saved. Then an angel came to Paul and told him that everyone would be saved, but the ship would be destroyed.

On the fourteenth day of the storm the ship hit a sandbar (a shallow area close to a shore), and was broken into pieces by the big wave. Everyone swam to shore or floated on boards from the broken ship. They landed on an island called Malta.

When they got to shore the people were cold, wet, and hungry. The people living on the island showed kindness to the people who were on the boat.

What are some ways you think the people on the island showed kindness?
-Made them a fire
-Cooked them food
-Gave them dry clothes and blankets

What are some ways you can show kindness to -?
-Your parents
-Your brothers or sisters
-Kids at school

Pledge: (Have the children stand up and repeat after you)
I promise to do my best from now on to be kind to others with my actions and my words. I will not say mean things to other, and I will show others I care.