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Forgive Others B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Forgive as the Lord forgave you. Colossians 3:13


Dry Erase board
2 volunteers
Plate or jar of cookies


-Before class draw something on the board.


1.What exactly does this verse mean?
a. Let’s look at the second part of the verse first “the Lord forgave you”
i. We know from learning the four Most Important Things that Jesus died for us to forgive us for the bad things we do
ii. Have the kids name some sins and write them down on the dry erase board.
iii. We all have these types of sins written on our hearts.
iv. Forgiveness is like this eraser. When we decide to live for Jesus all our sins are forgiven. – Wiped away, forgotten about.
b. Let’s look at the second part of the verse “Forgive as” the Lord forgave you.
i. What are some bad things that have happen to you?
ii. Write them down on the board
iii. We are supposed to forgive the people that did these bad things to us just like Jesus forgave the bad things we did.
iv. Erase the board.

8. Bible Story –
-On one side of me is _______________ with a large supply of cookies.
-On the other side of me is_____________ with no cookies. In fact not only does ______ have no cookies but they are about to be punished because the through a ball through a window and broke the window.
-Now I want all of you to think about whom you would like to play right now.
-Who would like to be _______________with the cookies?
-Who would like to be _____________with no cookies and who is about to be punished?
-Why did you choose the person with the cookies?
-Why did you choose the person who is about to be punished?
-Have people ever treated you like they don’t like you? (Kind of like we treated the person with no cookies)
-Did you know that has happened to everyone –even Jesus?
-Who here has ever heard of Peter?
-Peter was one of Jesus disciples and one of Jesus best friends.
-Peter love to be Jesus friend especially when Jesus was doing miracle and really popular.
-Suddenly Jesus was arrested and beaten. Jesus was about to be killed.
-The soldiers were looking for Jesus’ friends.
-Peter changed his mind about being Jesus friend – He got scared to admit he was Jesus friend.
-Peter told the soldiers he didn’t know Jesus.
-Peter realized what he had done. Peter felt very sad about it.
-Jesus made the decision to forgive Peter.
-God had a special plan for Peter and used Peter to see that many people knew about Jesus love.

Forgiveness is not something we feel. Forgiveness is a decision we make. Who hear needs to forgive some body? Today we are going to decide to forgive that person. We are going to write their name down on a piece of paper, and then we are going to come to the front and throw our paper away to symbolize that we are throwing away our anger and bad feelings towards the person we need to forgive.

(Have all the kids stand up and raise their right hand. Have them repeat after you) I promise to do my best to forgive others when I am angry with them. I will not hold on to my anger. I will always decide to let go of my anger.
