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Be Responsible B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord. Colossians 3:23


Carnival Poster with a whole bunch of mistakes in it
Carnival Poster done correctly



-This week we are going to learn about another quality a Christian should have in their life.
-Be Responsible - what does it mean?
-Be responsible means
-To show people they can depend on you
-To complete a task the correct way
-To do a job well
-To keep your promises
-To take care of your property

Object Lesson:

One of the meanings of responsibility is to complete a task correctly, or to do a job well. When we do we are showing people they can depend on us.

1.This week we are having a carnival at Kidz Club After School program so I made a poster. Hold up the bad poster. Didn't I do a great job?
-Discuss why this poster is not good
-Was I responsible with the poster I made?
-Why not? - I didn't do my best

2.Turn the poster around and show the kids the other side. How does this poster look? Was I responsible when I made this poster?

3.There are 2 ways we can do things in our life

-We can do our best or we can do a bad job.

-If we are going to live the way Jesus wants us to live which way should we decide to do things?

Bible Story - Joseph

Once there was a man named Jacob and he had many sons. He loved one of his sons more than all of the others. His name was Joseph. Jacob gave Joseph a brand new colorful coat.

Now Joseph had some strange dreams. In his dreams all his brothers and his dad bowed down to him- sort of like Joseph was the boss over them. Who hates it when your brothers or sisters try to boss you around?

Joseph's brothers got really angry and jealous. They beat him up. They took away his coat. They sold him as a salve. Then they went home and told their dad a wild animal killed him. Now Joseph could have gotten really angry and did some irresponsible things. Instead he chose to continue to love God. He chose to forgive his brothers, and He chose to be responsible in many situations. I want to tell you about some of those situations.

1.Joseph went to work for a very important man named Potiphar. He worked very hard and was very responsible in the jobs Potiphar had given him. Potiphar was so impressed that he put Joseph in charge of his entire household. Potiphar trusted Joseph.

The sad thing that happened was that Potiphar's wife told a lie about Joseph and had Joseph put in jail. Do you think he gave up and started acting irresponsible?

2.Even while Joseph was in jail, he acted very responsible. The Guard put Joseph in charge of all the other prisoners.

3.Then one day while he was in jail Joseph was able to help the king. The king had a dream that really bothered him. God told Joseph what the dream met, and Joseph went and told the king.

In the dream God showed Joseph there would be a bad famine. A time when there would be no rain so nothing would grow and there would be no food.

4.The king was so impressed with Joseph he had Joseph released from jail. Joseph went to work for the king. Joseph was so responsible that the king put him in charge of collecting all the food for the famine.

Because of Joseph's responsibility many people survived through the famine who might have otherwise died from starvation.

Conclusion: Sometimes it seems that we are in some pretty bad situations. In every situation that we face we need to do our best. When God see that we are trying to our best it makes him happy, and he will help up.

Pledge: (Have all the kids stand up and raise their right hand. Have them repeat after you) I promise to do my best to be responsible. I will do all my jobs well. I will show other people that they can depend on me.