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Be Patient A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: ...Be patient with everyone... 1 Thessalonians 5:14


Hospital patient outfit
Needle and thread
Pre-planned volunteer
Props for the story



-This week we are going to learn about another quality a Christian should have in their life. BE PATIENT

-What does it mean to be patient?

(Someone should interrupt the lesson dresses up as a hospital patient. They should say, "I heard we were talking about being patient today. I thought I would show everyone what a patient was."
The "patient" should go on about what it means to be a patient until the teacher interrupts and discusses the real meaning of being patient.)

-To wait without complaining
-To handle trouble without getting upset
-To remain calm during a delay
-Not getting angry in a stressful situation
-I have a good activity that demonstrates the importance of being patient.
-Have the person who dressed up like a patient help you
-Here I have a needle and a thread. Threading a needle takes patience
-____________ would you like to show everyone how to thread the needle?
-The person demonstrating should act impatient, frustrated etc.
-You will never get the thread in the needle acting like that.
-Threading a needle takes patience. You have to remain calm, concentrate on what you are doing, and not get frustrated. Just like this (thread the needle).

Review what it means to be patient.

Bible Story -

Introduction: I am going to tell you a story about a man in the Bible who had to be very patient. His name was Abraham. Who has ever heard of Abraham?

When I say the word patient the first person to stand up gets a treat.

When Abraham was 75 years old (pick someone to be Abraham) God told him to move. God said, "Abraham I want you to leave your country, home and people, and go to a special place that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation."

Abraham didn't know where God was taking him or how his family would get so big but He trusted in God.

Abraham had a wife (pick someone to be Abraham's wife) named Sarah. They went to live in a place called Canaan. While living there God told Abraham that he would have a son.

Abraham waited and waited and waited and waited. It seemed like he was getting too old to have kids. He kept waiting and waiting and waiting. (Put on the gray beard to show Abraham got older). Abraham was very patient.

When Abraham was 99 God spoke to Abraham again and told him that soon Sarah and him would have a son.

Sure enough when Abraham was 100 years old and Sarah was 90 years old they had a son. (Give them a baby wrapped in a blanket). They named him Isaac.

God's promise to Abraham and Sarah came true. However, Abraham and Sarah had to have patience. They believed in what God said, and they waited without getting angry, stressed out, or complaining.

(Have all the kids stand up and raise their right hand. Have them repeat after you) I promise to do my best to be patient. I will try to remain calm in all situations, and I will wait without complaining when I need to.