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Love Everyone A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11


Lifeguard outfit



-Today we are going to learn about another characteristic of a Christian


-What does it mean to love everyone?
-To show others you care
-To be kind to people who are different from you
-To get along with others
-To be friendly
-To want good for others, not bad
-To not hate anyone
-To not mistreat anyone

Object Lesson:
-God’s love kind of reminds me of a life guard (Have someone dressed up like a life guard- they could interrupt you-“someone called for a lifeguard)
-Who has ever been swimming? Was there a lifeguard?
-What is the lifeguard’s job?
-One of the jobs of a lifeguard is to rescue someone who is drowning.
-God showed his love to us by rescuing us – not from drowning but from sin
-The Bible says that someone who sins or does something bad deserves to be punished. Since we all sin we all deserve to be punished for our sins by God
-God (who is like a lifeguard – watching us) loves us so much that He sent Jesus (like a lifesaving tool) to rescue us from our sin and the punishment of our sin.
-Did you know Jesus was punished in our place?
-The Bible tells us that since God showed us such great love, that we need to show others the same kind of great love.

Bible Story

Introduction: Jesus always sets an example for us of how we are to act. Jesus showed us n the Bible how we are to love everyone no matter what they have done or no matter what they look like.

-One day Jesus was walking to Galilee. In those days, people usually walked when they wanted to go somewhere. They didn’t have cars or buses.
- Jesus became very tired and thirsty. He came to a well. (What is a well?) There he decided to rest awhile.
-There was a Samaritan woman at the well. (Have a volunteer be the woman-dress her strange and make her look “different”) Now when Jesus was alive Jewish people did not like Samaritans. They did not talk to Samaritans, and they did not eat or do anything with Samaritans. (Who thinks it is okay to act like that towards a group of people?)
-Jesus sets an example here for everyone. Jesus showed the Samaritan woman love. He did not care that she was a different race. He did not care that she looked different. He did not care what others thought.
-Jesus could see the woman was very sad and feeling empty. So as the woman gave Jesus a drink of water (hold up a glass of water), Jesus shared how the woman could have eternal life, and how she could have God’s love in her life. Jesus used the water to teach her about how God’s love can fill our life so we never feel empty, sad or lonely again.
-The Samaritan was so excited about Jesus love that she ran into the town and told all her friends about Jesus.

Conclusion: Jesus showed us how easy it is for us to love everyone. It shouldn’t matter what someone looks like, or what someone’s background is we need to love him or her. Do you remember why we need to love everyone? Because God loved us first.

Pledge: I promise to do my best to love everyone. I will be kind and friendly to others. I will not hate or mistreat anyone. I will remember that God loved me first so I need to love others.