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Love Everyone B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 1 John 4:11




-What does it mean to love everyone?
-To show others you care
-To be kind to people who are different from you
-To get along with others
-To be friendly
-To want good for others, not bad
-To not hate anyone
-To not mistreat anyone

-I am going to read you some actions. If you think the action is showing love you are going to stand up and cheer. If you think the action is not showing love you are going to “boo”.
-Be nice to people who are different from you
-say bad things about someone you don’t like
-Smile at people
-Be friendly to a new student
-Hit someone
-Kick someone when you are mad
-Pray for your enemies
-Help someone in need
-Hate someone
-Give some of your toys to someone who doesn’t have any
-Give someone a gift
-Make fun of a handicapped person
-Tell your friends not to like someone
-Hope something bad happens to someone
-Help someone who is elderly
-Care for a sick person

Bible Story

Introduction: Who likes to hang around a loser? What do you think of when I say the word “loser”? I am going to tell you about a loser in the Bible, and how Jesus acted towards him.

-The name of the loser is Zacheus. (Pick a volunteer- put a sign that says loser on their forehead)
-Zacheus was a loser because he had a job only a loser would have. He was a tax collector. A tax collector could collect as much money as they wanted from people. They had to pay the government a certain amount and they kept the rest. Everybody hated tax collectors. People thought they were thieves.
-On top of that Zacheus was really short.
-One day Jesus was coming to the town where Zacheus lived. He decided he want to see Jesus so he walked down the road where Jesus would be coming from. There was a big crowd of people.
-Since Zacheus was so short he could not see over the crowd. Nobody exactly likes Zacheus so nobody was willing to help him.
-What was he going to do?
-He decided to climb a tree. When he climbed up the tree he realized he had the perfect view to see Jesus. (Have the volunteer kneel on a chair)
-He waited and waited and waited in the tree.
-Suddenly he could see Jesus coming off in the distance.
-He came closer and closer. Then he stopped right under the tree where Zacheus was. Now remember nobody in the crowd liked Zacheus.
-Jesus said, “Zacheus you come down from that tree right now because I am going to your house today.”
-Zacheus could hardly believe what he heard –nobody ever wanted to go to his house. (Zacheus gets off the chair)
-Jesus could have gone to anybody’s house in that town. He choose Zacheus’ house. He chooses to be nice to Zacheus when nobody else would.
-Because of the love Jesus showed to Zacheus, Zacheus’ life was changed forever.
-He gave half of all he owned to the poor, and he paid back everyone he had cheated.
-Zacheus no longer felt like a loser (take off the loser sign)
-Jesus’ love changes him forever.

Jesus showed us how easy it is for us to love everyone. It shouldn’t matter what someone looks like, or what someone’s background is we need to love him or her. When we love someone who others may not love we are showing them Jesus. Their life could be changed forever just like Zacheus.

Do you remember why we need to love everyone? Because God loved us first.

I promise to do my best to love everyone. I will be kind and friendly to others. I will not hate or mistreat anyone. I will remember that God loved me first so I need to love others.