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Share With Others A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others Philippians 2:4


a measuring tape
2 spots marked on the floor that you are going to measure the distance between
Picnic basket
5 “loaves of bread
2 “fish”
Donut holes/cookies for each kid



-Today we are going to learn the thirteenth characteristic of a Christian

-What do you think it means to share with others?
-To let others use or have what is yours
-To give up something when there is not enough for everyone
-To be generous with what you have
-To give to others who are needy
-To not be selfish
-To not keep everything for yourself


God teaches us in the Bible to share everything including our lives. Here is what I mean. Here is a tool a carpenter uses (a measuring tape). Who here likes to play with one of these? Do you know what it is called?

Measuring tapes can be fun and useful. If I want to know the distance between this spot and the other spot I could use this measuring tape. But suppose my measuring tape does not want to share itself with me? I can stand here and yell and scream, or I could be really nice and say “pretty please”, but if the measuring tape doesn’t want to come out of its case I cannot measure from this spot to that spot. Then the measuring tape is a useless blob.

(Choose a volunteer to help you measure) Measure the distance between the spots. How great it is when the tape measure shares itself with us.

That is just the way it is with people. If you don’t share yourself with other people, then you are not obeying God and you are pretty useless – “just a blob”. Someone who does not share really does not have God’s love in his or her heart. When you have God’s love in our life it is easy for you to share yourself and the things that belong to you.

Bible Story: Jesus Feeds the 5,000

-Please put the donut holes on something in the basket so the bottom of the basket doesn’t get all sticky

One day Jesus was teaching a large crowd of people way out in the country. There was nothing around. No stores or no restaurants. The people had been with Jesus all day long without eating.

The disciples wanted Jesus to send the people away into nearby villages to get something to eat. Jesus wanted the disciples to feed the people. Could you imagine how much food it would take to feed 5,000 men plus their wives and children. How would you cook for that many? Imagine how much money it would take to buy lunch for that many people?

The disciples started looking through the crowd trying to find some people who brought food. I guest they thought that if they could find enough people to share some of the food they brought, they could maybe give everyone a snack.

Finally Andrew, one of the disciples, found a young boy who was willing to share his food with everyone. Jesus asked Andrew, “What does the boy have?” Andrew said that the boy has 5 small loaves of bread and 2 fish. (Lay out this amount of food from the picnic basket)

So how many people do you think this will feed?

Jesus told all people to sit in groups on the grass. Jesus looked up to heaven and thanked God for the food (Just like we say “grace” before we eat). Then Jesus broke the loaves and gave each disciple a piece to start passing around. He also gave them some fish to pass around.

There was enough food to feed the entire crowd, and when the gathered up the leftovers there were twelve baskets full of leftovers.

-Hide donut holes or cookies for everyone in the bottom of the picnic basket. When it gets to the part where the food multiplies, hand out a donut hole or cookie to everyone.

God was able to do a miracle because one little boy was willing to share his food. I

I promise to do my best to share with others. I will not be selfish or keep everything to my self. I will give to others and let others use or have what is mine.