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Live Holy B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Whatever is true, whatever is right, whatever is pure . . . think about such things. Philippians 4:8





-Today we are going to learn another characteristic of a Christian
Live Holy

-What do you think it means to live holy?
-To live set apart for God’s service
-To live according to God’s Word
-To not do bad thing intentionally
-To be pure

Bible Story:

Game: When I say the word “Holy” in my story the first person to stand up is the winner, and gets a piece of candy.

Today I am going to tell you about three teenagers that a priest named Eli was in charge of. Eli was the priest in charge of the temple, and he was involved in the lives of three teenagers. One of them decided to live HOLY and the other two didn’t. Let’s look at the difference between them.

The first one I want to tell you about is Samuel. Samuel is the one who decided to live HOLY. Samuel’s mom is Hannah. She is the one who prayed for children because she had no children, and God gave her Samuel. She dedicated Samuel to the Lord. When he was very young (six or maybe even younger), he went to live in the temple. He dedicated His life to God’s service. He was HOLY – his life was set apart for God’s service. He did his best to please God in everything he did.

Let’s see what cool things happened to Samuel. When Samuel was still a young boy God spoke audibly to Him. He heard God’s voice like you hear mine right now. As he grew up he became a prophet to the nation of Israel. The means He preached God’s Word to the nation. Samuel also appointed Saul as king. Saul was the first king Israel had. Samuel was the one to anoint and appoint Him. God has special things He used Samuel for. God was able to use Samuel for these things because he set hi life apart from others to do God’s work. Samuel lived HOLY.

Now let me tell you about the other two boys who decided not to live HOLY. Their names were Hophni and Phinehas. Their dad was the priest Eli. He did not teach his boys how to live Holy very well. The Bible says that He was too nice and let them do too many bad things without punishing them.

As they grew up they did many things that displeased God and they did not care. They had lots of girlfriends and they would bring them to the temple and show them off to everyone. They refused to give offerings to the Lord. They did all kinds of things so everyone who came to the temple knew that they were not living Holy. God told Eli that because of His family situation that His son would never follow in his footsteps as a matter of fact they would all die soon. Sure enough in a battle all three of them died.

From this story in the Bible you can see the difference between someone who decides to live HOLY and two people who decide not to. Samuel who decided to live HOLY did great things for God. Eli’s sons not only ruined their father’s life but also their own. They were complete failures and died at an early age.

I promise to do my best to live holy. I will live my life according to God’s Word. I will not intentionally do bad things. I will live my life set apart for service to God.