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Be Bold A

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: But the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1


2 candle holders
6 candles
1 lighter
Philip costume



-Today we are going to learn another characteristic of a Christian
Be bold

-What do you think it means to be bold?
-To be confident in something
-To be daring
-To not be afraid to do something

-We need to be bold when it comes to Jesus. We need to not be afraid to tell others that we are a Christian. We need to be able to tell other people about Jesus.


Discussion: The Bible tells us that Jesus is like a light to the world. When we decide to live for Jesus, we have His light living inside of us. (Light one candle)

God wants everyone to have His light. He wants everyone to have His forgiveness and love inside them. He wants everyone to know how good He is to us.

How do you think other people get the light of Jesus in them?

These candles cannot be lit unless they come in contact with another candle that is already lit. Unless the light of one candle is shared with another, the other won't catch fire. (Light the other candles)

This works the same with people. Others get the light of Jesus in them when we spread it to them. We have to be bold enough to pass on God's love and forgiveness to others. We need to tell others about how good God is. We need to tell others what Jesus did for us. When we tell others they will catch the light of Jesus in them.

Can you name some ways to tell others about Jesus?
-Invite them to Kidz Club
-Invite them to church
-Talk to them about Jesus
-Show them Jesus love by doing something for them
-Praying for a friend

Bible Story:

Introduction: Today we are talking about being bold especially when it comes to telling others about Jesus. I thought the best way for you to learn about this was to invite someone to come and tell about a time when they had to be bold and tell someone about Jesus. So I invited my friend Philip to come today. For some reason he is not here yet. Let's all call for Him.

"PHILIP . . . .PHILIP . . ."

(Eventually Philip from the book of Acts should appear. He should wear a brown beard, housecoat and something on his head.)

Philip should introduce himself and shake a few kid's hands. He should ask for their names.

Your teacher phoned me up and told me you were talking about being bold this week. I have this great story about a time when I had to be bold. I told your teacher I would come and tell it.

I spent a lot of time working with Jesus' disciples. At one point the disciples chose seven men to help take care of church business. They were so busy preaching and teaching that they needed other people to take care of the poor and all the other everyday business. I was one of the seven chosen.

Things got pretty bad in Jerusalem. Lots of Christians were being arrested and beaten and some were even put to death because they followed Jesus. A lot of the Christians moved away but everyone promised to preach the good news wherever they went.

What is the good news anyway?

Today I want to tell you about one particular adventure.

One of God's angels told me to go down a certain street. So I did. I saw a man who was a very important government official in Ethiopia. He took care of the queen's money. As he was riding along in his chariot, he was reading from the Bible (the book of Isaiah). I asked him if he understood what he was reading. He told me that he did not understand it because no one had explained it to him. Then he invited me to climb in his chariot.

We had a good talk. I explained that Jesus died to take away the sins of the whole world and that all we have to do is ask and Jesus will forgive us. This made the man so happy that he not only decided to live for Jesus, but he also stopped his chariot right by the water. I got out and baptized him. It was so exciting to see how much he loved God and how excited he was to serve Jesus.

Let me tell you, there's nothing greater in this world than telling people about Jesus. God wants us to spread the good new to everyone we know and to the entire world.

Well, I have to go because there are lots more people like the Ethiopian that I need to tell about Jesus. Thanks for inviting me. See you soon.

I promise to do my best to be bold and tell others about Jesus. This week I will not be afraid to tell someone about Jesus or invite someone to Kidz Club.