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Be Bold B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: I am not ashamed of the Gospel because it is the power of God for salvation... Romans 1:16


Big shoes
Some delicious food to eat in front of the kids



-Today we are going to learn another characteristic of a Christian
Be bold

-What do you think it means to be bold?
-To be confident in something
-To be daring
-To not be afraid to do something

-We need to be bold when it comes to Jesus. We need to not be afraid to tell others that we are a Christian. We need to be able to tell other people about Jesus.

Lesson: Beautiful Feet

Discussion: How big do you think the feet are that fit inside these shoes? Would you call feet this big beautiful? We don't think of feet as being beautiful. Nowadays we seldom even notice feet. However, in the Bible days, people either went barefoot or wore sandals. When you entered a house after a long walk over dusty roads, you host would not visit until he looked at your feet to see how dusty they were. Then he would command his servants to bring some water and towels and clean your dirty feet. They wanted you to be comfortable.

Now I have a question. If we meet someone today whom we haven't seen in a long time do we say, "I am sure glad to see our feet!" No. We might say, "I am sure glad to see your face."

Did you know the Bible says we can have beautiful feet? How do you think our feet get beautiful? By putting on make up, by washing them, by cutting our toenails, by the shoes we wear? No

Women get beautiful by wearing make-up, by putting on pretty clothes, by having their nails and hair done. How do we get beautiful feet? This may sound silly but did you know the Bible tells us how to get beautiful feet.

Do you want to know?

The Bible says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who preach good news?"

There you have it! Your feet can be beautiful if you use them to go and tell others about the Good News.

What is the Good News?

Bible Story

Introduction: I hope you don't mind that I eat these delicious -------------. I was so hungry. I didn't eat breakfast this morning. They are very good. Some of you guys look like you want some. You look hungry. Do you think I should share with you? Before I do let me tell you a story about some men.

Israel was in pretty bad shape. Some wicked people from a land called Syria had attacked Samaria. They took everything from Samaria and they stopped food from going to Samaria. The enemy would let no one in or out of the city. The people ran out of food and water. The people in Samaria were starving to death.

There were 4 men with leprosy sitting by the gate of the city. They were not allowed in the city because they were sick. There was no food anywhere for them. They thought they were going to die. So, they decided to hand themselves over to the enemy. They were going to surrender. They thought that maybe the enemy soldiers would be compassionate towards them and keep them alive. If not, they had nothing to lose because they were going to die anyways.

Early in the morning, when they arrived at the enemy's camp they were in total shock. There was not an enemy in site. The soldiers left everything - their horses, their money, their food, their extra clothes, their beds.

You see what happened was that in the night, God scared the soldiers so much that they ran away for their lives. They heard noises, and they thought all these armies were coming to kill them.

The lepers went into the first tent they came to and had a feast. Then they took all the treasures they found in the tent and went and hid them. They were having the time of their life. They had found the greatest thing in the world.

Then they realized something very important. They remembered all the starving people back in their city. They remembered the people who were so afraid of the army, and the people who were dying. They realized they needed to share this good news with the city. It would be wrong of them to just enjoy what they had without sharing the good news with others.

They went back to the city, and after much convincing, they talked the king into sending some men to check out the camp. The whole city ended up enjoying what the 4 men had. Many lives were saved, and the people were no longer hungry.

This story teaches us about the importance of sharing good news with others. We have found the greatest gift in the world - Jesus. It would be wrong for us to keep Jesus all to ourselves. We need to be bold and share the news about Jesus with the world.

I promise to do my best to be bold and tell others about Jesus. This week I will not be afraid to tell someone about Jesus or invite someone to Kidz Club.