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Time With God B

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Call on me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3


TV antenna



-We are going to talk about another important characteristic of a Christian

-Spend Time With God

-How do you think we spend time with God?
-Read the Bible
-Go to church or Kidz Club

Bible Story:
Introduction: (Hold up TV antenna) Who knows what these are? We used to call them “rabbit ears” because of the way they stick up. Hardly anybody ever uses these anymore because of cable. The purpose of these antennas is to pick up silent signals and transmit them to the TV screen. These signals are silent and invisible but they are certainly there. We can see proof of them on the TV.

We have inside of us the ability to hear the God’s silent signals. When we call on God, He always answers us. If we take the time to listen we will always hear God, or see His silent signals. Sometimes God speaks to us through the things and people around us. Sometimes it is a voice inside of us. We must take the time to listen.

Today I am going to tell you a story about a man who listened for God’s voice. The man’s name was Elijah.

Story: The queen, Jezebel, hated Elijah. Actually she hated anyone that had anything to do with God. She was very wicked. She wanted to kill Elijah. Elijah ran for his life. (Have all the kids’ run really fast on the spot)

Elijah ran miles and miles and miles into the desert. Finally he collapsed under a tree. He was feeling very sad and tired. He wanted to give up. He didn’t even care if he died. He fell asleep under the tree.

God sent an angel to feed and take care of Elijah. After Elijah ate he went back to sleep. The angel woke him up again to eat. After he ate again, he felt stronger. He got up and walked for 40 days and 40 nights until he reached Mount Horeb.

On the mountain he found a cave and went in there to sleep for the night. God spoke to Him in the cave, and said, “Elijah what are you doing hear?”

Elijah mumbled and complained. He said, “God I have done everything you have told me to do. I have been excited and happy doing it. Nobody seems to care how hard I work. I am tired now and Jezebel wants to kill me.

God said, “Elijah I want you to stand out on the mountain and wait until you hear me speak to you.”

First, Elijah heard a strong wind. It howled through the mountain. (Have the kid’s make wind noises). The whole mountain shuddered in the wind. The wind was so strong that rocks split open. God did not speak to Elijah in the wind.

Next, Elijah heard an earthquake. (Have everyone make an earthquake noise) The entire mountain rolled and shook. God did not speak to Elijah in the earthquake.

Next, Elijah heard fire. He heard the crackling and snapping of flames. He saw the flames leap in the air. (Have everyone make fire noises) God did not speak to him through the fire. (Who remembers whom God spoke to through a burning bush?)

Suddenly, the entire mountain got peaceful and quiet. Guess what. Elijah heard God speak in a soft gentle voice.

God told Elijah that he needed to go back because He still had some important work to do. God told Him about the new work Elijah was to do. God told him that he wasn’t alone. There were still lots of people who also believed and loved God.

After taking time to hear God’s voice, Elijah felt encouraged and excited again.

Whenever we call on God – God always answers us. It might be different every time. We might hear a voice from inside of us; God might use others around us or things around us. The point is that we need to take time to listen to God. Sometimes we don’t hear God because we don’t listen for Him.

I promise to do my best to spend time with God. I will read my Bible and pray everyday.