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Build Your Life On God's Foundation

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Christian Character

Verse: Matthew 7:24-28


Toy house
Big Rock
2 Pitchers of Water
Pile of sand in a shallow dish



-The Bible talks about two different ways we can build our lives.
-To explain the two different ways we can build our life, Jesus tells a story.

-Jesus said, "A person is wise if they hear what I say (the words of the Bible), then do what I say."
-This wise person is like a man who builds His house on a rock. (Set the little house on a big rock)
-When the rain comes (pour water on the house and rock) and the wind blows (blow on the house), it does not fall.
-What does this mean?
-The house represents our lives.
-The rock represents God's Word
-The rain and wind represents hard situations we might face.
-When we build our life on God's Word, our life will be strong even when we face hard situations.

-Jesus said, "A person is foolish if they hear what I say (God’s Word), and then they do not do them."
-This foolish person is like a man who builds His house on a pile of sand.
-When the rain comes (pour water on the pile of sand and the house) and the wind blows (blow on the house), the house falls.
-When we build our lives on other things (our education, boy/girl friends, money, drugs) our life will fall apart especially when we face difficult situations.

-This year at Kidz Club we are talking about qualities in the Bible that we need to build our life on.

-Review and add the first four qualities
-Honor God
-Respect Others
-Tell the Truth
-Use self-control