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The World Passes Away

Posted by: Buffalo Dream Center

Topic: Bible Verses

Verse: The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17


Tearable paper – Blue writing which says “The world passes away”
Untearable paper- red writing which says, “Whoever does the will of God remains forever.”



Review the Four Most Important things

Eternal Life:

When you decide to live for Jesus God gives us a very important gift.
-eternal life, everlasting life

We live forever once we have decided to follow Jesus.

Maybe you are confused – People don’t live forever –Everyone dies.

When we live for Jesus we don’t really die – we just move.

When we decide to live for Jesus we just switch where we live.

When we have Jesus in our life we move to heaven.

Who has ever heard of heaven?

Who has heard someone say “Everyone goes to heaven when they die?”

Who believes that?

The statement “Everyone goes to heaven when they die” is not true.

The Bible teaches us only those who invite Jesus to be apart of their lives get to go to heaven. Only those who decide to live and follow Jesus go to heaven.

The Bible teaches that, “Whoever believes in Jesus will not die, but will have life forever.”

Bible Verse:

The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

Object Lesson:

Let’s talk about things that die or pass away.

Things that die or pass away are things that do not last forever

Candy – Does it last forever?
Have someone come and eat a piece.
That piece of candy just passed away-it’s gone forever

Money – Does it last forever?
Hold up fake money – rip it up
Once you spend it-it is gone forever

Name some other things that are gone forever

(Choose a little volunteer to come up and rip the blue heart)

The World and its desires pass away forever!!!!!

The Man (woman, or child) who does the will of God lasts forever!

God’s will is that we live and serve Jesus everyday of our life.

When Jesus is apart of our life – when we are living and serving Him, then we last forever!!

That means that when we die –it is not the end.

When we die we just move to heaven.

The key is that we need to do God’s Will.

How do we make sure we are in God’s Will – We live for Jesus.

This verse could be said like this “Whoever decides to live for Jesus lasts forever!”

(Choose a bigger volunteer to come up and rip the red heart)

Conclusion: Boys and girls if we want to live forever, we need to live for Jesus. Boys and girls you can live for the world but then you will pass away with the world, or you can live for Jesus and live forever.